Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,939,304 Issue: 510 | 2nd day of Gathering, Y13
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Fanatic or Crazy?

by ribbit_rubbuit_wajet

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I'm NOT Losing The Bet!: Part One
"Do you know anything about the artefact we're hunting down?" Hanso enquired with interest.

The Orange Kougra frowned. "Nothing, actually. I assume Fyora has some kind of plan for us when we get there."

by chimp_chicken_fish


The Brickwall

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Failing Genius - Not the Slorgs!
Those slorgs are nasty fellows.

by nancy_drew_obsessed


Heroism, and a Hot Cup of Borovan
"Your borovan, sir."

The red Kougra at the table in the corner didn't even look up.

by summerwednesday

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