Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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"Surprise Inside" Indeed!

by qelato

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Mynci Beach Volleyball Guide: Tips for Scoring an Av
While it's true that it does take some practice to master this game, I've found it also takes some keen observation to really get a handle on it.

by xfillover1


Sketch Borovan- Overdue
Let's go to the Faerieland Library!

Also by tmarks

by izzywizard


Loosen That Belt and Feast Like a King!
Every autumn, the Meridell farms are bustling with hard working Neopians harvesting ripe fruits, vegetables, and grains to bring to your dinner table.

by vanilla_paw


Awk Sauce - Vanishing in a Puff of Smoke
When a situation or person is beyond awkward... you have awk sauce. Happy birthday, Neopets!

Idea by tupey

by toffeedatepudding

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