For an easier life Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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by dylan_the_ninja

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"Surprise Inside" Indeed!
Beware those hungry kadoaties!

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Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part Nine
And then he realized that the darkness seemed a little... blacker... than it should have. Horns rang out from the tops of the towers. "Shadows! Shadows! Shadows attacking!"

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A Violation of the Contract
He looked at her curiously, but his expression soon turned grave at her words.

"I'm offering you a business opportunity, Mr. Isaac."

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The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Five
"It was an ordinary day for anyone in Neopia. An ordinary morning in Meridell. But one Gelert had a plan..."

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