There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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Dead End: Cake?

by killable

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A New Line of Work: Part Five
"Nox curse it all!" Norton yelled, kicking the bulkhead in anger. This marked twice his former employee had narrowly escaped an untimely demise.

by thatsextraheretical


Maemo and Vrai Visit Mystery Island: Part One
What self-respecting Baby Vampire lives in the land of pink towers and fluffy clouds? None, that's the answer. Well, none but Vraiment.

by teaspill


What Makes a Neopet Special
Some people have plenty of Neopoints, but they have a Neopet or two who they leave as a red, yellow, blue or green creature of a common species.

by ellbot1998


Thanks, Jerdana.

by neon_leaf

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