Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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Ventures #8

by neo_coaster363

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Muckla and the Snowy Case
Based on a very odd question my friend once told me.

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Gamesroom Fun Part 3
Version Jelly Blobs of Doom

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Treasure Lost: Part Three
It was almost the end of Spirit's shift when a conversation between two Cybunnies at a back table erupted into an argument. "Yer nothin' but a landlubber!" shouted one. "And so's yer mother!"

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Adventures in Brightvale Wisdom
"I don't want to be a normal Uni!" she exclaimed. "I'm going to be the smartest Uni there ever was, and King Hagan will be happy to meet me."

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