Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 187,760,157 Issue: 526 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y13
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Four Thirteens1: The Haunted Cottage - Part Three

by yoshifan272


Everything began to get hazy, and then I regained my focus. The room I was in was dimly lit, and as I tried to get up, I wondered why I couldn't. I then looked down, and gasped when I saw both my legs and arms tied up.

     I felt something against my back, and I turned around only to see Ronny tied up too. He, however, was still knocked out. I looked around the room, until I heard a menacing giggle and a sudden bit of weight and warmth on my lap.

     I looked down at my lap, where I saw a small Blue Kad with a demonic smile.

     "Hello, Marine." The Blue Kad chuckled evilly. "I'm so delighted that you and your friend could join us for dinner...,"

     I was terrified. Not only because I was all tied up and pretty much kidnapped, but because there was a talking Kad sitting on my lap.

     "Who are you and what have you done to my friends?!" I almost screamed in terror.

     "Oh nothing, they're just joining us for a small appetizer," the Kad giggled again. He then changed his subject. "Are you... painted Biscuit?"

     I nodded quickly but silently.

     "Good," he answered. "I always liked the color Biscuit. I brings out the Neopet's inner... flavor."

     "What are you going to do to us?!" I actually did scream this time.

     "I figured you would ask that, Marine. Allow me to explain..." The Kad jumped off of my lap and walked around the room. "The rumors that spread around Roo Island of us were somewhat true..."

     "Us?" I asked in a sputter.

     It was then that a whole bunch of other Kads began to enter the scene. I felt a sudden rub against my back. Ronny woke up.

     "Marine, wha...," Ronny muttered, still awaking from his trance. "What happened?"

     "Allow me to explain," the Blue Kadoatie sneered again. "The myth that we Kads ate our owners is true; however, they did not forget to feed us."

     The other Kads meowed and purred in agreement.

     "In fact, they never forgot to feed us. As you could see, there was trails of Kad food spread out throughout the house."

     Ronny gasped in great horror.

     "AHHH!!! A TALKING KAD!!!" he screamed in great terror.

     Compared to him, I was incredibly calm. The room was awkwardly silent, until that same Blue Kadoatie continued with his story.

     "Anyway," he kept going on with his story. "We were sick of the same dry and wrinkly flakes and chunks with proteins and artificial flavors! We tried to convince them to get something different, but they wouldn't negotiate! They wouldn't listen to us! Their own children, ignored and given no variety!"

     "Amen! Preach it, preach it!" the other Kads exclaimed, nodding and cheering in agreement.

     "So we gave them the greatest revenge: we ate them! We punished our owners for their wrongdoing!"

     "Here, here!" the Kads cheered again.

     "That's insane! Not only did you bite the hand that feeds you, but you ate the whole body that it's attached to!" Ronny sputtered, now wide awake.

     "Yes, yes! But after that meal, we embraced the flavor! We have had the taste of flesh for the first time! We savored it... we loved it! We couldn't forget the feel of it on our tongues or how much it filled our stomachs, so we just couldn't help but bring in Neopets just like you for a filling meal that was just as good as the last! So, pathetic Neopians...," the Kad menacingly cackled. "We didn't want to eat Kad food like what everyone would expect... but we want to eat... YOU."

     I gasped and shook, and Ronny gulped.

     "Oh, sick!" Ronny stammered, and he turned his head to vomit.

     This story gets more and more appetizing by the paragraph, now doesn't it?

     "Yes, oh rather appealing Kougra! We led you down here for a reason, you know," one of the Kads in the crowd shouted crazily.

     "I mean, did you REALLLY think that old elderly couple had just thirteen Kads?! HAHAHAHA!!! We meant to make the pictures as a message all just to simply lead you down here!" one of the other Kadoaties squealed.

     "Yes, so now I, Precious and my fellow brethren," the Blue Kad finally told his name to us, "WILL FEAST!!!"

     All of the Kads meowed in roars of cheers and excitement.

     Then a couple of other Kads actually stood on their hind legs and walked over to us, holding a bucket and a brush. They dipped their brushes in the buckets of what I was sure was barbeque sauce and honey mustard. They walked around Ronny and me, brushing the sauces on us like if someone painted a picture.

     "Oh, so not only can you guys talk," Ronny huffed in annoyance. "But you guys can have opposable thumbs and the ability to walk on two legs. Well, that's just FANTASTIC."

     "How dare you for doing this," I cried angrily while the Kads were still brushing sauce on us. "You might be more evil than Meepits!"

     "I would hope so, Marine," Precious snickered. "How long should they marinate?" Precious asked the two Kads that brushed us. They were finished with their job.

     "Twenty minutes, sir," one of the brushers answered.

     "Good... good. Come, my people," Precious ordered as he and the other evil Petpets left the room. "Let us wait for our guests to... look tasteful."

     And right when all of the maniacally insane Kadoaties left the room, the door, the only exit out, slammed shut behind them.

     "Say it," Ronny murmured as he coughed. "We're doomed."

     "We're not doomed! There's gotta be some way out of here..." I looked frantically around the room, but the Kads were smart enough to not leave us anything to use at our disposal. So Ronny WAS right... we were doomed.

     I tried to think of all of the movies I've seen and all of the games I've played where the hero would use every single one of their sources to easily escape their prison or deathtrap. But all that was in the room was the light bulb that lit the room, and both Ronny and myself tied against each other.

     There was nothing convenient about this as in the movies and video games. At this point, I was sure we were dead. Hmm, getting eaten by Kads sounds like a terribly interesting way to leave Neopia, huh?

     I bowed my head in failure and sadness, and right when I was about to start crying, I heard someone on the other side of the door trying to open it.

     I looked up in hope, actually thinking that I could make it out alive.

     "What's going on back there?" Ronny asked me as he was trying to turn his head. But I didn't answer; I was too curious.

     The knob jiggled, until the door finally swung open. Fyora be praised of what I saw.

     "Marine!" Margo exclaimed as she ran towards me. Miko ran behind her, untying both Ronny and me.

     "Margo," I hugged the Kacheek. "How in Neopia did you escape?"

     "We were able to wriggle out of the rope we were tied in, and I'm sure you know what I used to pick the lock!" And she took out a bobby pin from her pocket.

     I shook my head in amazement and disbelief.

     "We should go," Miko said, now quickly pacing towards the door. "The Kads may be back at any given moment."

     "Right," Ronny breathed, and the four of us ran out of the door.

     We ran out of the room that Miko and Margo were locked in, and we ran into the room where the Neopet-sized oven was. But the room was surely not empty.

     "Hey! What are you doing here?!" one of the Kads squealed. The other Kadoaties looked towards us, and we looked at them like a Raindorf in headlights. All of us except Ronny.

     He took out what looked like a small ball from his pocket and Miko, standing beside him, looked at it. Miko's eyes bugged out from his glasses, and before Miko could stop him, Ronny threw it at the fire-lit oven.

     The Kadoaties dodged the small marble-like ball, and as soon as it hit the flame of the oven, the fire grew 10x bigger at a dangerous and alarming rate.

     "RUN!!!" Miko and Ronny shouted simultaneously. We all ran out of the cellar.

     "Don't let them get away!" Precious demanded to the other Kads, and they ran towards us.

     "WE HAVE TWENTY SECONDS," Miko bellowed as he was running. "RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!"

     And we obeyed the Kyrii and ran quickly; however, the Kads were beginning to gain on us. We were running towards the front door, which was locked.

     "I'm gonna kick the door open," Ronny said. "Hold on and run behind me!"

     Ronny sprinted ahead of us and kicked the door open. We ran behind them gasping and wheezing for air.

     "DUCK!!!" Miko ordered. We ran out of the front yard, jumped, and ducked. And right after we ducked, the cottage was engulfed in flames.

     We looked behind us, and all we heard was the crying of the Kads and flames beginning to quickly die out. The cottage was now burned to the ground, and the meows turned into silence.

     "What the heck was THAT?!" Margo sat up and brushed the grass and dirt off of her clothes.

     "Shenkuu Fireball, a dangerous firework in which when it touches fire, it explodes in flames within thirty seconds. Well, Miko..." Ronny folded his arms and made a smug smile. "I believe you owe SOMEONE an apology for 'being sentimental'.

     Miko rolled his eyes and Ronny pointed his ear towards the Green Kyrii.

     Miko sighed. "I'm sorry." He groaned. Both Margo and I laughed.

     So what happened to Miko and Ronny? Well, Margo and I were able to make some space in our house so they were able to move in with us. You really don't have a clue of how excited we were.

     So, let us end this in the best way I can...

     Roo Island.

     Population: About 400,000.

     Average Life Expectancy: 75 to 200 years old.

     Government: Monarchy. Island ruled by King Roo and advisors.

     Home of nearly all Blumaroos, thrill-seeking Neopians, the Roo Island Yooyuball team, and other Neopets including me, Margo, and two teenage boys that equaled the start of a both fun and beautiful friendship.

The End!

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» Four Thirteens1: The Haunted Cottage - Part One
» Four Thirteens1: The Haunted Cottage - Part Two

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