Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 187,658,734 Issue: 524 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y13
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What to do - Feed Thy Pet!

by kelementchan

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The New House
Don't you just love our new house?

by wolfspirit200179


What's in a Name?: Part Five
"Is that the best you've got!?" she mocked over the din of the magical battle. "Even combined, you're nothing! Let me show you what a real witch can do!"

by herdygerdy


Top 10 Locations to Build Your Neohome
With 19 locations across Neopia to choose from, deciding on the perfect place to settle down with your Neopets can be a difficult decision.

by mercy_angel


Negg Sandwich
Are those... someone's dentures!?

by bubblegoldfish

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