Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 187,693,211 Issue: 525 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y13
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The Meepits

by aquamix789


"Oh, dear." Aquamix789 frowned and said as she read the newest edition of the Neopian Times on a Furry Sofa. "What? What is it?" PrincessSunshine116 asked, looking up at her from where she was playing with her Robot Sandan Plushie on the floor of their Shenkuu Classic Neohome.

      "Yeah, what happened?" Unicorn124578211 peeked over her foster owner's shoulder and gasped at the article. "Another writer was dragged off by the Meepits, it seems. And I really loved that article, too. A simply divine sandwich guide." Aquamix789 sighed.

      "Mommy, can you stop using such big words?" Sunshine rolled her eyes and asked.

      "But you've read so many books already! You should know what I'm talking about," her owner countered.

      "Anyway, all that nonsense about Meepits is all wrong! Meepits are cute, fluffy, pink little Petpets with adorable huge eyes that just get blamed for every single bad thing! Besides, if the writer really got dragged off by Meepits for saying something he or she wasn't supposed to say, then who wrote down that the writer had been dragged off? Huh? Answer me that!" she demanded, stomping her soft Plushie Uni hooves.

      Unicorn and Aquamix exchanged looks but said nothing.

      "Exactly! In fact, I've already decided what I want for my birthday! A Meepit!" Sunshine declared as she tossed her toy next to the the Poinsettia Basket.

      "Do you know how much those cost!?" Aquamix gasped.

      "Only about three million neopoints on the Trading Post," she answered her slightly miserly owner calmly.

      "Only!?!?!?!?" Aquamix shrieked.

      "Well, we have like five hundred thousand neopoints more than that in the Bank, anyway. Pleeeeease? As your first Neopet? At least not on your old account?"

      Aquamix winced when she heard the words "old account", just as Sunshine had known she would. "Oh, alright. I'll go see now if I can get all of the neopoints counted."

      She rose up, yawned, stretched, and walked out the door. "Keep an eye on the house, and there's plenty of food in the fridge." Unicorn and Sunshine waved good-bye at her before closing the door shut and returning to doing whatever they were doing. (Pretty confusing, huh?) Unicorn preened her Blue Uni self in a Blue Daisy Mirror, while Sunshine watered the Poinsettias Basket.

      The sun set, and no trace of Aquamix789 showed up. Unicorn was grooming her mane. "She probably went to the arcade again without telling us and logged out," she told an impatient Sunshine, who was dusting the Blue Glazed Pot and vacuuming the King Altador rug nervously. Putting down the Blue Glittery Comb on the sofa, she picked up her Greeble, Grassinaty, and toyed with her webbed feet.

      "Oh, I at least hope that she'll get me a cute little Petpet to play with, if not a Meepit. I can't stand the suspense anymore. I'm going upstairs to read my Petpet catalog, 'kay?" Sunshine asked, plumping up her Prissy Miss Bow.

      "Whatever you want, little sis," Unicorn answered, feeding her Petpet.

      Sunshine dropped by the kitchen and grabbed a bag of Neo Crackers before flicking on the lights and heading upstairs to her room. Everything blue, pink, purple, and Faerie-related adorned her bedroom wonderland. She flew to the Elegant Wooden Bookcase (yes, she could still fly, despite being painted Plushie and all) and plucked the worn Petpet care and personalities magazine that she had treasured ever since last year when it had been dropped on her doorstep. Busily skipping the quiz, fun facts, trivia, behavior, care, and personalities sections, she flipped directly to the cost and ordering forms in the back of the think book. "They're listed in alphabetical order..." Sunshine murmured as she turned past Magtiles, Marlocks, and Mazzews.

      Just as she was about to turn the page to Meowclops, she noticed a tiny square section that was hard to spot hiding next to an impressive picture of a Maractite Melton. On it the word Meepits plainly showed up, but no fancy description or detailed picture accompanied it. In fact, the only words in the itsy-bitsy section other than Meepits was "Evil" and "Costly" and "Highly not recommended" in bold red letters. Furious at being the only Neopet on Neopia to think Meepits were harmless and cute, PrincessSunshine116 flung the catalog down onto the Lavender Faerie Coffee Table next to the Snowager Ice Centerpiece. Snatching up a Neopets Puzzles and Games along with her Neo Crackers, Sunshine retreated to her Air Faerie Bed for a little time away from her worries.

      The Cloud Litter Tray, Regal Purple Petpet Cushion, White Petpet Bath Tub, Blue Faellie Poster, and Kookith Petpet Bed in her room all seemed to mock her lack of a Petpet companion. No matter how much she tried, PrincessSunshine116 was unable to concentrate on the book or the snack. Flinging them both down on to the Lavender Faerie rug next to her bed, Sunshine rapidly brushed her teeth and went to bed. Snuggling down into the fluffy white bedsheets, she promptly fell asleep. And as she did, PrincessSunshine116 had the most unusual nightmare...

      Sunshine blurrily gazed at the sight before her very eyes. A thick fog was slowly rolling in between the bare tree trunks of the Haunted Woods. Now that was strange, she thought to herself. I don't like going to the creepy Haunted Woods, so why am I here right now? And more importantly, how did I get here?

      If I knew how I got here, than I would obviously figure out how to get out of here, correct? Twitch. What was that!? she thought frantically, whirling around. What met her terrified gaze horrified her even more.

      A Meepit army! Sunshine gasped, strangely afraid. And shouldn't I be? she resolved. I mean, right now, in front of me, a massive mob of at least fifty pink Meepits are glaring at me. And I don't think they're supposed to grin wickedly or have evil-looking red eyes, either. Or at least on a normal basis, anyhow.

      Just as she was beginning to recover from the shock, miniature weapons materialized in their tiny paws. The leader let out a shrill chirp, and the others picked up on a chant, stomping their weapons on the dirt for a hypnotic rhythm... "We are real. We are real. Be afraid. Be afraid."

      Suddenly, the leader, a Ghost Meepit, raised his weapon, a small but deadly hammer, and charged at Sunshine with the rest following suit. She screamed but no sound came out. She tried to run but her hooves felt stuck in stone. She even tried to attack but could only stay motionless in one spot, screaming as the Meepits leaped on her. Then everything faded, faded, faded, faded...

      BRIIIIIIING!!! Her Official Usuki Clock screeched into the early rays of weak Shenkuu sunrise sunlight. Sunshine immediately awoke and shot up, wildly looking around for the horde of Meepits carrying miniature weapons. "Whew, it was just a dream." Sunshine sighed with relief.

      But still, despite knowing that it was all a nightmare and probably nothing more, the memory of the terrible dream still haunted her as she took a bath and dressed in front of her Pink Vanity. Trotting downstairs (even though she could fly, it hurt with her soft stubby wings) for breakfast. Aquamix789 had finally came back with news of the Meepit issue. They all sat down at the breakfast table and feasted on Eyrie Pancakes, Bacon and Broccoli Omelette, Strawberry Jelly, Altadorian Bread, and Tchea Fruit.

      Aquamix insisted that they finish eating before she told them the current event update, or they might choke on their food. "And then guess who's cleaning it up?" she told them sternly, with one eyebrow raised. Therefore Unicorn quickly gobbled hers down, like Sunshine always used to, so her little sister would get to hear the news faster. But after that dream, Sunshine cringed with fear whenever Aquamix mentioned the word Meepit, so she slowly ate her meal with good etiquette, like Unicorn always did.

      "Guess what, Sunshine? I have enough to get you a Meepit AND paint it for you! Isn't that great news? I can even get it for you now, if you want!" Aquamix paused and looked with excitement at PrincessSunshine116 for her reaction.

      For a few seconds, she was too shocked to say anything. Aquamix789 thought it was from happiness, but she changed her mind when Sunshine started to tremble and shake. Shaking her mane, head, and whole body from side to side, she whispered: "No, no, no... anything but this!" Then, as if everything had finally made sense to her, PrincessSunshine116 fainted onto the plush carpeting, but not before screaming in terror two last words.

      "NOOOOOOOOOO! AAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!"

The End

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