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Who Said Fruit and Vegetables Were Boring?

by borisbecker


We are all meant to eat our 'five a day' of fruit and vegetables, but how many of us do? Oh, I know, it's not very tempting to resist that slice of Strawberry Shortcake and pick up a carrot instead. Trust me, I feel your pain - myself and my pet both suffer from a severe case of having a sweet tooth. However, fear not, as help is at hand! I've scoured Neopia for some of the most delicious and mouthwatering fruit and veg you could possibly imagine. The following food should inspire you to take a fresh look at your pet's diet (whilst allowing a tasty treat now and then) without breaking the bank.

1. Chokato Crisps

Okay, I know what you're thinking. 'But crisps aren't healthy!' I hear you cry. Well, these crisps are a little bit special. Made from the tropical Chokato (a veritable veggie feast of chocolate and tomato), these crisps are indulgent whilst remaining a healthier option. If you wish to ease your pet into eating better, this is the item for you. They are not only a treat for the tum, but a treat for the eyes - the lovely deep shade of blue flecked with chocolate will get your pet salivating!

Average Price: 300 - 600 NP.

2. Grilled Ummagine

Now this is generally a little more on the pricey side, but let me tell you, it's so worth it. Hailing from the Lost Desert, this dish is both a rich and light meal. Presented in two flower like portions, the grilling has unleashed the lovely fruity aroma of the ummagine that will truly tickle your tastebuds. Your pet will be grateful to you for introducing them to such a fine food! The Lost Desert is a great source for interesting and unusual fruit and veg. I would highly recommend a visit.

Average Price: 1400 NP.

3. Baked Juppie

Mmm, I just love Juppies, don't you? Juppies are juicy and succulent and always make an excellent addition to a dish due to their versatility. They can be eaten as they are or used to flavour or garnish a recipe. This item in particular is one of my favourites. The red Juppie used provides a fiery kick which is perfectly combined with the cheddar cheese which is creamy and delightfully smooth. Your pet will wonder what they have done to deserve such a delicious treat! Rich and hearty and perfect for this winter season.

Average Price: 500 - 800 NP.

4. Prickly Merato and Screlon Salad

I once heard that 'you don't make friends with salad', but such a thought couldn't be further away from the truth. Composed of Brightvale's finest (and literally rather hard to get a hold of) Prickly Merato and not for the faint hearted, the sour Screlon, this is a light and tangy meal. This dish is actually regarded as gourmet food, so by trying this your pet becomes part of an exclusive club. Fancy, eh? For quite a rare and gourmet food, if you look hard enough you can pick this up rather cheaply. Personally, I was pleasantly surprised at how cheap this often can be. Quality food for a quality price.

Average Price: Anywhere from 400-1000 NP.

5. Spicy Cabbage Pancakes

I'll happily admit that I'm not the biggest fan of cabbage. I'm usually used to a sweet pancake; however, this item really changed my mind. These pancakes are a taste of the exotic; the cabbage is soft and delicately produced with a striking spicy taste. With this meal you get the best of both worlds, interesting and delicious flavours combined with medicinal properties. Did you know that cabbage is a good source of vitamin C? I certainly didn't and such a thought certainly helped me on the way to liking cabbage. (I'll fully get there one day!)

Average Price: 900 - 1100NP.

6. Pumpkin Mocha

Pumpkins are for life, not just for Halloween! Are your pets feeling a bit tired and run down? This mocha will perk them right up - and what a cute little mug, huh? Orange is totally in this season. This tastes a lot sweeter than you would imagine, great for those who like the sweeter side of life. For me, drinking this evokes happy and warm memories of winter time snowball fights and cuddles with my pet by the fireplace. Who knew food could be so invigorating?

Average Price: Anywhere from 10 - 100 NP.

7. Sausage and Pea Soup

I honestly believe that you cannot go wrong with soup. It can be both a tasty snack or a filling main meal, depending on your pet's preference. I find that it usually isn't too expensive and I always like to keep a soup or two in my inventory, just in case. During my travels, I discovered that this is a perennial favourite down in Meridell. Whilst it may not look the most appetising of soups, this is cooking at its finest. Thick and nourishing, the delicate taste of the peas is perfectly offset by the meaty and yummy sausages. This item is always a winner.

Average Price: 900-1100 NP.

8. Baked Apple Jacket Potato

I was wary of this item. Apple and potato!? How could that ever possibly work? Oh, dear reader, how it works. Have you ever wished you could just skip your main meal and go straight to the dessert? Well, this item is a surprisingly practical solution to such a predicament. The jacket potato is the main meal, with the sweet and sugary apple making the dessert! This is a simple dish, no fancy flavours or element - just good old fashioned simple home cooking. Low in fat but high in taste, this is a brilliant alternative to those pesky tempting cakes!

Average Price: 400 - 800 NP.

I hope this guide helps and inspires you and your pet to discover the wonderful world of fruit and vegetables. Eating them doesn't have to be a chore; make them fun by thinking outside of the box. Experiment, and your pet will thank you for it.

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