There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 187,760,157 Issue: 526 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y13
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A Very Kookith Christmas

by qelato

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The Perfect Christmas Gift
Serenity had asked for a Mootix, to have a friend to talk to and play with while Lilah was traveling and writing her novels. If she really wanted to get her a Mootix, she'd have to fly all the way to Mystery Island...

by jessica_jellibean


A Present from Jhudora
"Jhudora!" she exclaimed as she grabbed a hold of the Dark Faerie. "I'm so happy you made it!"

Jhudora struggled to breathe in the rigid grip of the old Faerie. "Yes... I wouldn't miss it," Jhudora gulped, "Mother."

by kaddiez


Bread and Butter - Holiday Special
Happy holidays and happy neggs!

by _epiphany_


Toddlers and Tinsel: A Guide To Celebrating with your Baby Neopet
Don't panic! Help is at hand. Yet again, my baby Usul and I are here to bring you another indispensable survival guide; this time, how to enjoy celebrating with your baby.

by mrs_cherish

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