The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 187,760,157 Issue: 526 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y13
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A Present from Jhudora

by kaddiez


Jhudora shivered as she stood at the doorway of the purple, brightly decorated house. Not because of the pale snow whirling around Faerieland, but because of what was beyond the doors of the house, or particularly, who. Moments passed, and the door quickly swung open. An aging Faerie stood at its way, wrinkles folding her face and blond hair slightly streaked with grey. Her smile widened as she caught sight of Jhudora.

     "Jhudora!" she exclaimed as she grabbed a hold of the Dark Faerie. "I'm so happy you made it!"

     Jhudora struggled to breathe in the rigid grip of the old Faerie. "Yes... I wouldn't miss it," Jhudora gulped, "Mother."

     Jhudora's mother released her from her tight embrace. She adjusted her falling spectacles. "Now, dear, come on in!" She ushered Jhudora inside. "And just guess who came, too."

     Jhudora huffed. "I think I can," she rolled her eyes.

     It was an annual tradition for her mother to invite Jhudora over every Christmas. After the commotion caused last year through Faerieland's fall, her mother thought it appropriate to make this Christmas celebration bigger than any other. This concluded to extending an invitation to Jhudora's sister, something that hadn't been done since her departure from Faerieland.

     Jhudora arrived in the snug living room where the fireplace was blazing in the corner. As expected, Illusen was sitting in the middle of the floor playing around with a pet Floud.

     "Illusen!" their mother called. "Look who it is! It's Jhudora, dear!"

     "Yes, I see that, Mother." Illusen frowned turning to Jhudora. "Glad you could make it, Jhudora."

     Jhudora merely crossed her arms. "Isn't everyone, Illusen? I wish I could say the same for you."

      Their mother chortled. "You two are so adorable, joking around like that. Just like when you were little!"

     Illusen sighed. "Right, just like that."

     After she had seated Jhudora, the old Faerie made her way to the kitchen. "You darlings catch up! I'm going to go make us all some hot chocolate and cookies, your absolute favourite, right, Jhudora?"

     Jhudora gave her mother a slight nod as she disappeared into the hall. The two sisters were left in the silence of the rippling fire.

     Jhudora cleared her throat. "Nice of you to show up after all these years, Illusen, but just to let you know, this was a pity invite on Mother's behalf."

     Illusen rolled her eyes. "Little do you know, Jhudora, that Mother was catching me up with all the Christmases I had missed. They sound wonderful, especially the one where you gave her a kettle for Christmas. You know the one that already belonged to her."

     "Whatever," Jhudora waved it off. "What's important is that I was here for Mother, while you never bothered showing up for Christmas."

     "I never got an invitation!" Illusen puffed.

     "That's because you ran away to Meridell."

     "Because of you!"

     The room went silent as Illusen burst and the two sisters looked away from each other. Jhudora wrinkled her nose and only said, "Say whatever you want, Illusen, but don't blame me for your lousy attitude."

     The Earth Faerie sighed. "Look, Jhudora, I know we have our differences-"

     Jhudora snorted as Illusen continued, "Er-right, and we may not like each other-"

     Illusen was once again cut off by stifled splutters emitting from her sister. "Jhudora, enough!" Illusen snapped. "The point is we're here for Mother. If this was about you, Jhudora, we both know I wouldn't be here. So let's just put aside our differences for the next few days and at least act civil."

     Jhudora paused before begrudgingly extending out her hand. "For Mother's sake."

     Illusen smiled as she grabbed a hold of Jhudora. "For Mother," she said, briskly shaking hands.


     After settling that agreement with Illusen, Jhudora now had new matters to attend to. She was never good at giving gifts exactly, hence why she always resorted to handing out poisonous lollypops, but this time had to be better. Now that Illusen was present it was of the utmost importance to one-up her in front of their mother. Jhudora had to show her that she was the favourite daughter and the only real way to do that was to get Mother the perfect Christmas gift.

     Jhudora had already gathered a few ideas of what to get, none of which came from Illusen's stolen Christmas list.

     "Faerie wing warmers?" Jhudora whispered. "Hah, that doesn't sound half bad."

      She turned the list over to jot it down, before she froze. She was surprised to see her name written on the top of the backside with a list of items underneath.

     "A list... for me?" Jhudora was startled.

     She quietly read some of the gifts aloud, silently approving each one. Jhudora suddenly felt a twinge of guilt as she realized she was intruding on Illusen's surprise and was even stealing her gift ideas. Before anyone could notice, she crept back into her sister's makeshift room and put down the list where she had found it.

     Jhudora whistled as she casually walked back out onto the hall. The Dark Faerie knew she needed to get Illusen a gift too, one so great, one she didn't even steal! Yes, that would take Illusen off guard. First she needed ideas, what did Illusen like?

     Jhudora thought Illusen over; she never realized how little she knew about her own sister, even if they weren't particularly close. Well, she obviously liked ugly clothes, Jhudora noted, and wrinkles. Oh, and that hair! Jhudora shook her head, she couldn't think like that, no matter how true it was. The only real way to learn about Illusen would be to eavesdrop. It really was surprising how much gift buying tied in with Jhudora's skillset.

     The Dark Faerie knew that Mother and Illusen were talking in the kitchen; she could hear the old Faerie's laughter miles away. Slowly creeping up, she leaned in just enough to see the edge of Illusen.

     "Lovely gift, too!" Their mother nodded her head.

     Jhudora's ears perked up. What perfect timing, she thought, they were even discussing gifts!

     "You think so, Mother?" It was Illusen, talking in her soft voice. "I hope she likes them."

     Jhudora realized that Illusen must have already gotten her a gift. Curiosity tugged at her and she cautioned to peak in a tiny bit further to catch sight of what it was. Slowly she titled her head in to see all of Illusen and a bag in her hand.

     "I wonder what she'll think when she sees them." Illusen laughed and reached into the bag to pull out a small, lumpy, black stone.

     Jhudora froze. "Knowing Jhudora, dear, she'll probably be furious," their mother chuckled.

     It was coal, Jhudora fumed, and Illusen and Mother were laughing over it. Jhudora quickly stomped back into the living room, observing the rippling of the flame. She had been so intent on finding Illusen a gift, while Illusen had just been laughing about it the whole time.

     "We'll just see who gets the last laugh on Christmas, Illusen," Jhudora spat. "You were wrong to mess with me; she should know bad gift giving is my specialty."

     As she plotted a plan in her mind, Jhudora burst into a chorus of evil laughter. "Jhudora, honey," her mother called from the kitchen, "Could you quiet down, dear?"

     "Right, sorry." Jhudora cleared her throat. "Mother, I'm leaving for a bit. I'm off to do some Christmas shopping."

     Jhudora grabbed her thick, purple fur coat and escaped through the door. Of course, she still needed to grab a Christmas gift for her mother and for Illusen, though not exactly the conventional kind. With a flutter of her wings, she was off into the sky, ready to exact her revenge.


     "What do you mean you don't carry any gifts of doom?"

     Standing in front of a beat Scorchio, Jhudora's patience had started to wither. "This is a gift shop, isn't it?"

     "Yes, ma'am," the Scorchio started slowly, trying to carefully explain the situation to the weary Dark Faerie, "You see, carrying 'gifts of doom' doesn't really coordinate with our regulations..."

     Jhudora spat. "I don't have time to deal with your petty regulations. Don't you realize that Christmas is only in a few days' time?"

     The Scorchio quickly nodded his head. "Of course, look around." He ushered Jhudora to take a view of the scrambled gift shop, where Neopians of all kind were running around like mad, hurrying to assemble their last minute Christmas presents.

      "Maybe you could give me an idea?" he continued. "Who you were shopping for or what they would like?"

     Jhudora slammed her hand down on the table. "I don't care what she would like," she seethed. "It's not about what she wants; it's about what she deserves. I'm here to bring about suffering to my sister. If you don't have anything, I'll be forced to take matters into my own hands..."

     The Scorchio perked up, wary of losing a sale. "I'm sure there won't be any need for that, ma'am," he said. "Look, it sounds like you and your sister have a rivalry going on; I've heard that one a million times. If you're looking to get back at her, I think I have just the thing."

     The Faerie pursed her lips. "Is that so?"

     The Scorchio eagerly nodded. "Yes, of course. Let me just get it for you."


     Never had a Christmas morning come where Jhudora was so exuberantly excited. She was the first one up and Illusen and their mother hadn't even joined Jhudora under the Christmas tree yet. The Dark Faerie had placed her gifts perfectly so they would be the first ones to be grabbed. Illusen would unknowingly unwrap hers and then... Jhudora began laughing just at the thought of it. This would show Illusen, she thought.

     "There you are, Jhudora!" Her mother had sat down beside her. "I was starting to get worried when you weren't in bed. Thought you had disappeared, just like that one Christmas-"

     "Ahem, of course not," Jhudora interjected. "I'm a different person, Mother. I am pleased to say that this Christmas morning I'm quite excited."

     Her mother clapped her hands. "That's wonderful, dear. I'm also glad to hear that you and your sister are doing so well. You know, I've been hearing stories that you two were...."

     She shook her head. "I told all those Faeries that my Illusen and Jhudora love each other very much. All those shenanigans they were talking about... Phooey, I say!"

     Jhudora mustered a fake smile. Maybe the gift wouldn't be such a good idea; it would probably end up upsetting her mother, but as Illusen finally joined the pair, Jhudora decided that it was too late to take back the gift now. Besides, the big grin on Illusen's face really annoyed Jhudora.

     "Merry Christmas, Mother." Illusen nodded at Jhudora. "You too, Jhudora."

     Jhudora rolled her eyes. As usual, Illusen was trying to play it cool, even after she had stuffed her Christmas gift with coal. "Right, Merry Christmas," she muttered. "Now let's open presents!"

     "Oh, honey, I've never seen you so excited for presents," her mother cheerily said.

     "Well, I think I'm really happy about the gifts I got everyone." Jhudora smiled at Illusen. "It's just what they deserved."

     Her mother looked puzzled, but Jhudora continued on. She hurriedly grabbed two gifts from underneath the Christmas tree and handed one to her mother and the other to Illusen. They each muttered a quick thank you.

     Jhudora watched intently with a grin plastered on her face as Illusen slowly unwrapped her gift. Illusen's face twisted with confusion as she opened the last flap. Jhudora's eyes widened with excitement. This was it, her ultimate revenge against Illusen, her victory, her-

     "Faerie wing warmers?" Illusen breathed, holding up a pair of neatly knit pink wing warmers. "Wow, Jhudora, these are gorgeous! I didn't know you had such amazing taste. Thank you!"

     Jhudora looked almost as puzzled as Illusen. What had happened? Where had her gift gone?

     "Oh, what's this?" Jhudora's mother said, cutting into her train of thought.

     Jhudora's body froze as she turned to her mother. It suddenly hit her- she must have mixed up the gifts. "Mother, no, wait!" she called, but it was too late.

     Her unsuspecting mother happily unsheathed the last piece of wrapping and a glove came roaring from within the gift, hitting her right in the center of her aged face.

     "Oh my..." her mother tried to say, but she collapsed onto the ground.


     "So that was supposed to be your ultimate revenge?" Illusen pouted.

     She had been chastising Jhudora for the past hour as they were both sitting by their mother's bed. The old Faerie was peacefully lying there, loud snoring emitting from her sleeping body. The punch had knocked her out conscious but a quick check-up had assured she would be fine in no time.

     "For the last time," Jhudora churned, "it was meant for you!"

     "How is that any better?" Illusen threw her hands into the air. "I knew we're at odds, but to give me a boxing glove to the face for Christmas is a bit much, even by your standards."

     Jhudora snorted. "I had put my differences aside, Illusen and I thought you had, too. How do you expect me to get you an honest gift when you gave me a bag filled with coal?"

     Illusen was taken aback. "What, coal? Why would you think I got you coal?"

     "I saw it, Illusen. The bag filled with lumpy, black rocks. Don't try to play a fool with me," the Dark Faerie snickered.

     "Oh, those," Illusen said, beginning to chuckle. "That wasn't coal, Jhudora. They were enchanted rocks with magical properties. I had gotten them especially for you."

     Jhudora's eyes widened and her cheeks were burning red. "Magical rocks... for me?" Jhudora whispered.

     Illusen slowly nodded. "I never meant to hurt you, Jhudora; it was only meant as a surprise, but now look at everything. Mother is out cold for Christmas."

     "And it's my fault." Jhudora shrugged. "I probably shouldn't have eavesdropped, or stole your gift list, now that I think about it."

     "What?" Illusen furrowed her brows.

     "Never mind that." Jhudora shook her head. "Look, Illusen, I was wrong, so I apologize. I'm s-s- sor-"

     "Sorry?" Illusen offered.

     "Yes, that!" Jhudora snapped her fingers. "I shouldn't have gotten you the boxing glove in the box; besides, it wasn't as impressive as I thought."

     "Always the same, Jhudora." Illusen sighed. "I guess I'll get the wing warmers. I think Mother will love them."

     Jhudora became queasy. "Well, actually, you can keep them. I bought an extra purple pair for myself, but I think they would look better on Mother."

     Illusen beamed. "Wow, Jhudora, that's awfully generous. You know... I didn't think this would be a good idea for me to come for Christmas, but in the end, I think I actually enjoyed my time here."

     Jhudora smiled, and for the first time in a long time it was a real, genuine smile. "I guess I did, too. Merry Christmas, Illusen."

The End

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