White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 188,960,697 Issue: 537 | 23rd day of Running, Y14
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Summer Pie
Talullah was a fine young Peophin, holidaying on Mystery Island. She had stumbled upon a mysterious...

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Top Ten Paint Brush Colors for Customisers
For some customisers, having the perfect "base color", the color of your pet's skin or fur when they are created, painted, morphed, or zapped, is just as important as the clothes themselves.

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Drawing Board
"You'll beat Clara, anyway. Everyone will. It's so obvious, I'm surprised she didn't just toss it out and go home when she saw ours!"

by potatoobsessed


Stooping Low: Part Three
A current of rushing sand suddenly appeared and pulled me into it. One leg after the others, I was sucked into the pit-sand trap.

by ellbot1998

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