There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 188,575,482 Issue: 536 | 16th day of Running, Y14
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Weather Forecast - Apples

by hawkpaw098

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The Nimmo seized her arm and dragged her around the corner, into the petpet food aisle. His eyes flickered about warily. Then, pressing close to the shelves, he inched forward and peered into the Fresh Produce section.

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Andy & Baxter Play Games! #1 - Ugga Drop
Please, don't open your parachute too soon...

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A Lonely Lenny
Sayre the Brown Lenny doesn't have a friend in the world. Until one day...

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Magician Chronicles: The White Daffodil - Part Two
"Don't lie about my city," interrupted the King. "I do not see beauty when I look down upon the roofs, nor do I see the villagers paying respect to my rule."

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