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The Faerigan Letters

by mystie06


Author's Note: This story won't make much sense unless you've seen the Advent Calendar animation and prizes from the 29th day of Celebrating, Y13.


     Date: 1 Sleeping, Y13

     To: Queen Fyora

     From: Lord Darigan

     Subject: Rebuilding Faerieland

Your Majesty,

     I was most distressed to hear of the sinking and subsequent destruction of Faerieland, and I regret that I was unable to leave the Citadel to join King Altador and the others in searching for a way to reverse that terrible curse that was placed upon yourself and your people.

     In the spirit of strengthening the ties between our respective lands, I wish to offer you what help I can with the rebuilding of Faerieland. I will make a point of searching the Citadel for any and all documents I may have pertaining to the methods I used to raise the Citadel, in hopes they might help you restore Faerieland to the skies. Also, I can promise you detailed schematics of the engines we use to keep the Citadel afloat, though I am not certain these would be of any aid to you, as I have never heard of faeries being skilled with mechanical devices.

     Again, I offer my condolences on the recent events in Faerieland, and I ask you to let me know if I can be of any service to you in rebuilding your proud and ancient land.


     Lord Darigan


     Date: 2 Sleeping, Y13

     To: Lord Darigan

     From: Queen Fyora

     Subject: Re: Rebuilding Faerieland

     Dear Lord Darigan,

     I thank you for your offer of aid to my people in this distressing time. If you have any skilled stonemasons or architects living in the Darigan Citadel who would be willing to come help us with our rebuilding efforts, they would be most welcome.

     As for restoring Faerieland to the skies, it would seem to me that it would be best to rebuild everything first, so it will be some years before I would need your help in that matter. Once everything is slightly more settled I will look through my records (if they survived the crash) to see if I can find some documentation on how Faerieland was originally built. I am afraid that faerie magic does not mix well with machinery, however, so your engines would do us no good. Thank you for the offer, though.



     Faerie Queen


     Date: 3 Sleeping, Y13

     To: Jhudora

     From: Illusen

     Subject: Jhudora's Glade


     So how are things in your beautiful new glade? I must say it is quite an improvement over that stinking purple cloud you used to live on!

     There are some advantages to not living in Faerieland, as I have recently discovered. I returned to Meridell to find my home in perfect condition, and my glade only slightly the worse for my absence. Apparently Jeran and Lisha took it upon themselves to make sure my home was intact and clean when I returned. I shall have to remember to make them a special batch of cream cookies as a thank you.

     Anyway, I hope you're not having too much trouble rebuilding your home, especially with the help of all those loyal questers you keep bragging about.



     Date: 3 Sleeping, Y13

     To: Illusen

     From: Jhudora

     Subject: CURSE YOU, ILLUSEN!


     It's called Jhudora's Bluff, NOT Jhudora's Glade. Got it? I don't want people confusing me with some pathetic little earth faerie who lives in a land where potato counting is considered an extreme sport.

     If that stupid petrification spell hadn't sapped all my magic, I would cast a few choice spells on you and your glade! I don't want to even think about how long it's going to take me to rebuild, especially since all my questers now see my home as a pile of rubble, rather than a lair fit for the most evil faerie in all of Faerieland.

     Evilly yours,



     Date: 29 Celebrating, Y13

     To: Queen Fyora

     From: Lord Darigan

     Subject: Advent Calendar

     Your Majesty,

     If today's Advent Calendar prizes were some sort of joke on your part, I regret to inform you that I did not find it amusing! Lord Faerigan, indeed! I truly hope this was not what you meant when you said you wanted to strengthen ties between Darigan Citadel and Faerieland! My people and myself happen to like our dark and dreary home, and our decidedly not frilly appearances, and I ask that you confine your love of all things pink and sparkly to your own kingdom, thank you very much!


     Lord Darigan


     Date: 29 Celebrating, Y13

     To: Lord Darigan

     From: Queen Fyora

     Subject: Re: Advent Calendar

     Dear Lord Darigan,

     I can assure you that I had nothing whatsoever to do with today's Advent Calendar prizes, nor would I ever consider or condone such a thing. I fully appreciate that many Neopians, including a fair percentage of my faeries, do not appreciate my 'love of all things pink and sparkly,' as you put it, and I have no desire to force anyone to paint themselves a color they cannot stand.

     Coincidentally, I was just about to write to you to demand an apology for today's Advent Calendar animation, which seemed to be an attempt on your part to taunt myself, and my people, with the fact that Darigan Citadel is still floating happily above Meridell, while Faerieland currently rests in a crater near the Haunted Woods. I take it you were in no way involved with this animation?

     Most sincerely,


     Faerie Queen


     Date: 30 Celebrating, Y13

     To: Queen Fyora

     From: Lord Darigan

     Subject: Re: Advent Calendar

     Your Majesty,

     I certainly would never dream of taunting you and your people in such a way; I know all too well how it feels to lose everything. Rest assured, I will do all in my power to discover who came up with this tasteless animation and these insulting prizes, and I have already lodged a strong complaint on this subject with the Advent Calendar Committee.

     I owe you an apology for jumping to conclusions about your involvement in this incident, and I accept your word that you had nothing to do with it. I hope this will not hinder future cooperation between our lands.

     Yours respectfully,

     Lord Darigan


     Date: 30 Celebrating, Y13

     To: Illusen

     From: Jhudora

     Subject: Lord Faerigan


     That 'Lord Faerigan' Advent Calendar thing was brilliant! I never thought you'd be able to pull off a stunt of such magnitude! I'm glad to see my evil ways are finally rubbing off on you. The rumors currently flying around Faerieland claim that yesterday's animation and accompanying prizes nearly caused a serious diplomatic incident between Darigan Citadel and Faerieland. *sniff* I'm so proud of you!

     Your evil sister,



     Date: 31 Celebrating, Y13

     To: Jhudora

     From: Illusen

     Subject: Re: Lord Faerigan


     I hate to call your bluff (ha ha!), but I had nothing to do with that Lord Faerigan thing, and I really don't understand why you think I did. Believe me, no one in Meridell would ever spark a conflict between Darigan Citadel and Faerieland, since we'd be caught in the middle of it!

     This isn't one of your ingenious pranks, is it? It would be just like you to pull something like this, then pin the blame on me. If I find any proof that you were behind this, I will go to Queen Fyora about it!



     Date: 2 Sleeping, Y14

     To: Illusen

     From: Jhudora

     Subject: Re: Lord Faerigan


     That joke was so lame, I'm amazed it made it all the way to Faerieland.

     As much as I wish I could claim this as my work, sadly I have to admit that I knew nothing of it until I saw that Advent Calendar animation. It did give me a great idea for an April Fools prank, though. I'll have to start asking my higher-level questers for Faerie Paint Brushes and Flasks of Rainbow Fountain Water, so I can experiment with this a bit. I'm already asking for Lord Faerigan plushies and T-shirts from my low-level questers, which I plan to use as leverage with Lord Darigan, should the need arise.

     Evilly yours,



     Date: 2 Sleeping, Y14

     To: Lord Darigan

     From: Illusen

     Subject: April Fools warning

     Dear Lord Darigan,

     I must warn you that Jhudora is planning some sort of April Fools prank based on that Lord Faerigan thing from last year's Advent Calendar. I will do what I can to try and stop her, but I thought you deserved to be warned.


     Illusen of Meridell


     Date: 2 Sleeping, Y14

     To: Jhudora

     Form: Illusen

     Subject: Re: Lord Faerigan


     So, if you had nothing to with it, and I certainly wasn't responsible, then who did come up with that whole Lord Faerigan thing?



     Date: 1 Sleeping, Y14

     To: The Meepit Council

     From: Martin the Meepit

     Subject: Evil Plan #42,793

     O Great and Powerful Masters,

     I substituted the Advent Calendar animation and prizes as planned, and so far no one suspects a thing. I regret to inform you, however, that the plan seems to have backfired, as Darigan Citadel and Faerieland have not yet engaged in hostilities against one another.

     Your obedient servant,



     Date: 2 Sleeping, Y14

     To: Martin the Meepit

     From: The Meepit Council

     Subject: Re: Evil Plan #42,793

     All will be revealed soon, young one. You have done well on this mission. The Council is very pleased with your work, and we are glad you did not botch this assignment like you did the last one.

     -The Meepit Council


     Date: 1 Running, Y14

     To: Mystie06, c/o The Neopian Times

     From: an anonymous Meepit

     Subject: Evil Plan #42,793

     Dear Madam,

     As you were the Neopian Times writer responsible for both "The Altador Cup Letters" and "Meepit Conspiracy Revealed!" (the publication of the latter being the reason the Meepits did not succeed in taking over Neopia during the events known as the Faeries' Ruin), I thought perhaps you might be able to use the included letters in a story explaining the animation and prizes from the Advent Calendar on the 29th day of Celebrating, Y13.

     It was all part of a Meepit plan for world domination. The Meepit Council was convinced that they could use the aforementioned animation and prizes to incite a war between Darigan Citadel and Faerieland. The Meepits then would have helped Lord Darigan defeat and exterminate the faeries, which would then leave the rest of Neopia open for Meepit conquest.

     Fortunately, Queen Fyora and Lord Darigan managed to resolve the matter peacefully, and have joined forces to discover who was behind this whole thing. As you are a devoted follower of Queen Fyora, and as you oppose the Meepits' plans to rule Neopia despite having been forced through the Meepit Reeducation Program several times, I ask you to publish these letters in the Neopian Times in order to expose this most heinous attempt at world domination.


     A Meepit

The End

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