Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,960,697 Issue: 537 | 23rd day of Running, Y14
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by mistyqee

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Neopian neophyte - Just Read it!
Hey, it's exotic!

by leedom111


Petpet Adventures: Let It Snow - Part Eight
"I think the Snowager has left the Ice Caves," said Askar as he trotted up.

by rachelindea


Top Ten Paint Brush Colors for Customisers
For some customisers, having the perfect "base color", the color of your pet's skin or fur when they are created, painted, morphed, or zapped, is just as important as the clothes themselves.

by auraichadora


Magician Chronicles: The White Daffodil - Part Three
Isanu woke before the sun had risen. Throughout the whole night he had struggled to sleep, haunted by a nightmare of Rai and the kingdom he had seen...

by seventhsapphire

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