White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 189,919,878 Issue: 563 | 21st day of Gathering, Y14
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Good Mood... Really?

by lastavenger

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You can't throw at a ghost
Dez... You better run now [And that fast]

by kungenavmaskrosor


You know Queen Fyora!?

by elyse20


The Adventures of Pet Ownership: My Name's Not Dave
And what in Fyora's name are you talking about Sidney? You don't even sell pegs!

by shadow_rep


The Legend of Premium Bat: Part Four
Then he also remembered the sight of the young Aisha's ears dragging through the mud of the streets of Premium... and once more his heart was filled with righteous resolve...

Also by jair_lorce

by crocodile_babiez

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