Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 189,919,878 Issue: 563 | 21st day of Gathering, Y14
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Hasee Adventures

by darkdragon_slayer

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Petpet Adventures: Windrider - Part Four
He opened his eyes to Braedon leaning over him, his face uncomfortably close.

"We need to move," the Krawk said. "Before any pets come."

by rachelindea


Dressing the Part—Faerie Festival
It's time once again for the most ethereal of Neopian celebrations, the Faerie Festival!

by katiecoo802


They aren't supposed to be this adorable.

by ultra_neo_maniac


Never Finish Last: Part Five
After practice, as a token of gratitude, "Squeaky" Tressif offers the team (including the manager) a night out for dinner. They deliberate for Shenkuu cuisine (Shenkuusine by some,) and find the perfect niche on the boardwalk of Blumaria.

Art by renzyboy

by renzyboy

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