Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 190,062,233 Issue: 567 | 19th day of Collecting, Y14
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OTL: Wheel of Excitement

by kamagirin

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Who Could Love A Quiguki?
Despite what you may believe, Quigukis have a small but loyal group of followers.

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When she first opened shop, her friends would come to sit and chat about their hobbies, their futures, their far-flung dreams. She would lean across the counter, smiling and attentive. She already had her dream...

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So Says the Slorg.
Ooga Booga! Ba dun dun!

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Neovian Asylum Interview, Patient #039721
"They say it’s evil, the townsfolk do, and that it attracts evil things, but I’ll not be so quick to judge."

by nintyplayer

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