Meow Circulation: 190,555,218 Issue: 578 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y15
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So Says the Slorg!!!

by supercheezee

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Dark Faerie Dreams: Part Four
Approaching Fyora's palace in real life was far more frightening than it had been in my dreams. The battle faeries that guarded the golden doors were of the full sized variety and looked like giants to a small faerie like me.

by ilovemycatembers


Beauty is Only Fur-Deep
He wasn't dull boring silver anymore! Some faerie must've noticed how sad he was and granted him this gorgeous pelt of fur.

by cuddlyinfection


Dinner with the Scarlets: Paintin' Storm 1 of 3
There's bein' nothin' like a Meridellian brogue to make things interestin'.

by june_scarlet


Winter Borovan Bonding
Every now and then the Moehog would shake his tusks to remove the increasing weight of snow, but again the snow would begin to collect. His warm breath billowed out in a sigh.

by borrowed_veins

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