Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 190,670,624 Issue: 579 | 25th day of Sleeping, Y15
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Mysterious Petpets

by vo_ohh

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If Darigan had won the war...
If Darigan had won the war, there might have been some changes to some of the favorite things we do around the site.

by nightshadeswiftswing


King for a Day
The teacher smiled and explained, "Elephante Day is just a day celebrating Elephantes. We have one Elephante in this class... Eddy! So you should treat him better today. Like a king."

She was just kidding, but the class didn't know...

by mespirit24


Overboard: Part Two
Her beloved Wocky was missing! What if something terrible had happened to her?

by allison_kitty11


Completely Awesome: Bananas
Tip: Always take a banana to parties. Bananas are good.

by bilked

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