Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 142,862,738 Issue: 176 | 4th day of Awakening, Y7
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Sloth on the Rox

by plushieowner

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The Prophecy of Four: Part Three
"I'm going to contact Kal and Sanalre," stated Tanelle. "Wait. I want to see if they experienced the same thing."

by jade_steel


Achieving the Dream?
We're using him as a labrat, but will stop when you adopt him of course. But by now, well, as you may imagine, he's not quite the same as he used to be.

by jumperlilo


Deviled Delight
That is scary!

by silverqueengalaxia


Tantei Magouichi
The things that a Buzz has to do for a living...

by kudou

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