Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 194,163,747 Issue: 743 | 5th day of Hiding, Y18
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Neopia at it's Best

by pumpkin_700

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It's rumored that neopets that go to Mystery Island never return!!

by chakpool


Sunny Side Up: Fashion
Everyone's a critic.

by amarettoball


3 Recent Weapons that Jumpstarted my Faith in TNT
It had been a while since the BD Chat had something to buzz about. The excitement of the New BD had long worn off. The Smuggler’s Cove had remained empty for years. Fyora hadn’t added anything to her tower in a while. After 15 years of barely venturing outside the BD Chat, it was time to for me to see what else this site had to offer. Then along came a volleyball.

by dfgh5067


The Highs and Lows of Tyranu Evavu
A classic Neopian game, Tyranu Evavu will test your luck, your reasoning, and your patience. In this guide, we'll take a look into the history of the game, how it works, and how you can win millions (or, well...thousands. Tyrannians weren't know for being rich, prosperous people).

by jetaketa

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