The Nitri Cassale Interview by yashasvika
We’re here at the Neopian times again, interviewing your favorite Altador Cup stars. Last time we interviewed Coco Metrone and now today we’re doing a little piece on Nitri Cassale. Both of these Krawk Island superstars have a lot to say about the Altador Cup and their eternal passion for Yooyuball. So Nitri, tell me a little bit about your role on the team and a little about your upbringing? I am Nitri Cassale, Left Defender for Krawk Island in the Altador Cup. My life wasn’t always as fantabulous as it is now. When I was a wee las, my parents moved to Krawk Island for a life of treachery and triumph. They were tired of living life comfortably and wanted to adventure into a world of piratery. When I was little they taught me how to take items from unsuspecting ships and how to defeat the mighty Krawken that lurks along the shores of Krawk Island. However, the life of treachery wasn’t for me, I used all of those skills I learned and applied them towards Yooyuball. If you told me 12 years ago that I would be a defender in one of the best teams in Neopia, I would never have believed you. I am so lucky to have been recruited to the team by my dear friend Coco Metrone. You’ve known Coco for most of your life, what did the two of you used to do together? What are some of your favorite memories with her? Coco and I met when we were about 5, we used to play Yooyuball in the mud together. I remember those days like they were yesterday. We’d run through the fields with the mud between our toes, laughing and giggling at all of us trying to be superstar Yooyuball players. Some days it would rain when we played and those were the best. There’s no better feeling than running playing Yooyuball while the rain washes away all of your sweat and aches. After our rain games we’d get yelled at to come home (I learned that parents don’t really like it when you play in the rain) and we were told to change into dry clothes. Coco and I would sit on the front porch, snuggled in our blankets, with a cup of hot borovan and talk about how one day we’ll be superstars. Flash forward a few years, in high school Coco and I were inseparable. We did everything together. After classes we would always run to grab some food from the soup kitchen. For some reason Coco loved asparagus and chutney soup, but I loved the golden juppie soup. You could say I was already a little obsessed with Yooyuball at this point, the golden tinge reminded me of Yooyus and fueled my desire to practice more after dinner. Speaking of my obsession with Yooyus, one of my favorite memories with Coco is when we went to the high school prom together. The theme of prom that year was friends are forever. There were a lot of people dressed up in clothes from the lands that were originally from. I remember a few Lennies from Faerieland dressed up in the most gorgeous feathery dresses. Anyways, Coco and I, decided that we wanted to pretend like we were from Altador. We bought these stunning golden dresses and decked them out in little light up Yooyus. That year, Krawk Island was facing a series of bad storms because of the Krawken. The nasty Krawken was angry and decided it would call forth massive thunderstorms to the island every night that year. This night though, the thunderstorm caused the power in the building to go out. So there we were in the pitch black auditorium when Coco and I remember that our lights actually light up and so then we turned on our dresses and everyone started dancing again. That was almost such a terrible night, but Coco and I ended up making it better with our over the top dresses. How did you get started at Krawk Island? Did you and Coco ever take courses there together? After that year, it was time to start our education at the Krawk Island Academy. All Krawk Island children were required to spend at least one year at the Academy after graduation from school. Training took most of the dubloons from my allowance but after 3 years of intense training courses all of my levels were too high to count. I remember the look on my parents faces when they learned that their daughter was one of the most powerful trainees under Cap’n Three Legs. My best friend, Coco was the only person who’s overall training was greater than mine was. I am so proud of her and how much effort she put into becoming the amazing Yooyuball player she is today. Can you tell your fans a little bit more about your routine so they can work hard to become like you at home? For all of you fitness people out there, my daily regimen at the Academy is not hard to follow on your own. If you can I definitely recommend you sign up for courses at the Academy (or if you really must at the Mystery Island Training School) simply because Cap’n Three Legs and Master Techo really know what you need and what exercises might push your limits. My training consisted of trekking every morning to Tyrannia for a bacon and broccoli omelette. After my omelette, I would go to Haunted Woods to test my strength and see if I was making any improvement with my training. After Haunted Woods I would go to Kiko Lake and test my precision with Kiko Pop. Coco and I were also hired to help Qasala with their scarab problem. While Qasalan Expellibox was useful for removing many of their scarabs, they needed professions to rid them of the hundreds of other scarabs that were roaming throughout the city. However the work that Coco and I did was not enough, the scarabs were everywhere and the Qasalan officials decided that the Expellibox was the best way to remove all of the scarabs while also increasing tourism by offering prizes as rewards for scarab removal. While this daily routine helped develop my skills and worldliness, I cannot disclose what my actual training at the academy consisted of. If you are interested, Cap’n Three Legs is insanely dedicated to his trainees and tries to keep the costs affordable at only 1-20 dubloons (depending on your level). Any final words you want to tell your fans, Nitri? Never give up on your dreams kids. People will always be there telling you that you can’t do things. But never listen to them. You are your own strong person and you can always do everything you set your mind to. Like I said earlier, when I was little I never thought I would be on the Krawk Island Altador Cup team, but look at me now. My advice to my fans is to set goals in your life and always work hard towards them. The sky is the limit so long as you always believe in yourself. And thank you all for continuously supporting me, I would never have made it this far without all of your never ending support. I cannot wait for you to cheer on for me in the Y19 Altador Cup!! Well there you have it folks, there was our interview with Krawk Island star Nitri Cassale! Keep your eyes peeled for more incoming interviews as the Altador Cup XII unfolds The End.