In Preparation for Jetsam Day by vforvandagyre
Hello! It’s vforvandagyre here, and today I’ve got a special guest -- my Jetsam, LuminoShark! LuminoShark: Yo. Why am I here again? Vforvandagyre: Remember? The interview? Lumino: Oh, yeah, right. Vanda: Now, everyone and their Roburg 3T3 knows that Jetsam Day is coming up in a couple weeks, and that means that hordes of this popular Limited Edition (LE) pet are going to be released to hordes of hyper-excited Neopians. I’ve prepared an interview for all you lovely people who are interested in getting one this upcoming Jetsam Day. Together, we hope to expose some common misconceptions about Jetsams, and get more in-depth about how to care for them! Yes, we know it's too early, but these preparations can take quite some time. So, Lumino, first question: How did you become a Jetsam, anyways? Lumino: You know this already. I was created a green Flotsam. Five seconds later you shoved a morphing potion down my throat. Vanda: Right. Moving on. What’s the deal with the whole "aquatic petpet" thing? Lumino: Hoo, boy. This one. Look, it’s all a matter of individual preference. Some Jetsams will gobble up Ghotis like popcorn, some will gently tuck their Kelpflake in at night and read it bedtime stories. I’ve never personally had a taste for them myself, but I suggest all prospecting Jetsam owners to check in with their pets when they’re created. Vanda: Aah. Anything owners should do to make a Jetsam feel welcome in their Neohome? Lumino: Owners NEED to install a bathtub or two. Big ones, too. We Jetsams need to be submerged for at least two hours a week or they won’t have enough water to fill their gills with, and they’ll drown on dry land. I personally recommend the Roo Island Bath Tub. It can be placed in either Neohomes Classic or 2.0, and it’s nice and roomy for a Jetsam to submerge themselves in. Not to mention it only goes for around 3000 NP on the Shop Wizard, so it’s really easy to save up for one, especially if you play Trudy’s Surprise every day. Vanda: Aah, so I should probably buy a bathtub quick then, eh? Lumino: Yeah, that would be nice. Ya know, so I don’t die. Vanda: That’s would probably be a good idea, yeah. Anything else? How about grooming? Lumino: Ah, Jetsams are a bit of a mixed bag as far as grooming goes. We don’t have any fur, hair, or feathers to comb or brush, so you won’t have to worry about that. They just need a good sponge-down once every couple weeks -- which can easily be done during their weekly submergence. A Sponge Grundo Sponge and Pumpkin Spice Soap can together be bought for what is practically pocket change. The teeth, however, are a different story. Jetsams need regular teeth-cleaning to maintain a healthy smile, especially if they’ve been eating a lot. Twice a week minimum. The Travel Toothbrush together with the Yellow Yurble Toothpaste will together probably cost around 300 NP, but if you really want your Jetsam’s teeth to shine, then get the Jetsam Toothbrush. It costs around 1600 NP if you look on the Shop Wizard. If you make sure that your Jetsam is happy and cavity-free. For some more specific care, the book Jetsam Teeth Maintenance is a good read. Vanda: How about diet? Do Jetsams have any specific dietary requirements? Lumino: Us Jetsams typically require no specific diet, but whatever diet we are on, we need a lot of it. Jetsams are very big eaters, and not particularly picky. However, unlike Grarrls and Skeiths, they can’t eat absolutely everything. Jetsam owners should make sure that they don’t try to eat anything that isn’t food or an aquatic Petpet. Also make sure they don’t eat too much sugar, or they may develop tooth and gum diseases -- and we already know how much effort you need to put into healthy Jetsam tooth care, can you imagine how hard it to care for SICK Jetsam teeth? Vanda: How about entertaining your Jetsam? Lumino: Water toys are a must. Some of the cheaper and more popular ones include the Jetsam Water Squirt Toy, the Wind Up Mutant Jetsam, and the Fire Jetsam Bath Toy. Out of the water, some cheap options include the Jetsam Fish Toss and the Snow Jetsam Plushie. Lumino: Other Jetsams may be more entertained in the Battledome. Luckily, there is plenty of species-exclusive equipment available to them. For a more powerful punch, try the Jetsam Fish Bone Saw or the Jetsam Sword. For a more defensive approach, consider the Jetsam Chestplate or Jetsam Helmet -- or even both! Vanda: How should a prospecting owner bond with their Jetsam? Lumino: It’s important for a new Jetsam owner to understand that most Jetsams won’t start off as very friendly. There are exceptions, of course, but this is the norm. On the first couple days of ownership, you’ll want to spoil them -- new clothes, new toys, new books. This’ll definitely help you earn your Jetsam’s trust. After that, try seeing if you can’t bond over a common interest, and make sure you stand firm in an argument. Lumino: Of course, if you don’t think you’re up to the task of bonding with another Neopet, you can always look on the Mystery Island Trading Post for a Jetsam Morphing Potion to use on a pet you already have. Be aware, though, that this is a very costly option, as Jetsam Morphing Potions typically cost upwards of 250000 NP. Vanda: Or, if you’re like me and are desperate for your dream pet, 140,000 NP. Lumino: Yeeeah, something like that. Vanda: Well, we’re almost out of time. Any final thoughts towards future Jetsam owners? Lumino: Yes, actually. Jetsams are often stereotyped as the "mean fighting fish of Neopia." While it’s true there are many Jetsams out there who are aggressive and always ready to pick a fight, not every Jetsam is like that. There are plenty of us out there who are just big softies, and even more who just act like regular Neopians -- because they ARE just regular Neopians. Future Jetsam owners should make sure that they understand their Jetsam as a Neopet, not as a stereotype. If you do that, and love your Jetsam just like you would any other Neopet, you two are sure to forge an unbreakable bond that’ll last for ages. Vanda: Well said, Lumino. Vanda and Lumino: Happy Jetsam Day! Lumino: Alright, when do you pay me? ---------------------------------------------- If you’re reading this, then I’ve somehow found my way into the Times! Or you’re my mom. Or TNT. No matter which one of the three you are, you’re the best! --Vforvandagyre