Spike and the world that totally doesn't exist by hannahcreep
Jelly, the second most popular food in the world. Next to the omelette, everybody has eaten jelly once in their life. Even if the pet hasn’t eaten free jelly, the Chocolate Factory Kiko sells some jelly candy. But where does it come from? I poked my jelly with my fork while everybody else ate. “Spike, what’s the matter? A Shoyru needs all his vitamins!” Hannah, my owner, asked me. “Where do you get our food?” I asked. “Sometimes I buy some from auctions. I also find some for free, and many more ways,” Hannah explained. “But what about jelly?” I asked. “Oh boy, here we go,” Ursula, my youngest ghost Usul sister, groaned. “Dear brother, you have to eat your dinner. You know jelly is just food. Why worry about where food comes from? Shouldn’t you just be happy that you can eat while others may not have that privilege?” my other younger sister, Ann the faerie Poogle, asked. “I think it’s good that Spike is thinking creatively for once,” Kon, my young baby Kiko brother, encouraged. “But we know where all the other food comes from! The omelettes come from the giant omelette, all the apples come from apple bobbing, but where does this jelly come from?!” I shouted, almost launching my fork from my hand. “To be frank, I have no idea,” Hannah confessed. This only made me angrier. “THAT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE! YOU DO ALL THE ERRANDS!” I screeched. Hannah slammed her hands onto the table. “That is enough Spike! Go to your room, no more dinner for you!” Hannah declared. I slammed my fork down and marched up to my room, mad that I couldn’t get a straight answer. It was unfair that I was being punished for wanting more info, something I felt Hannah has been wanting me to do for years. Ugh, my night was ruined and I felt like it couldn’t be redeemed. I went to my room, almost crying. Why did I feel so sad? Hannah’s punished me many times before this. Was it because, for once, it didn’t feel like it was my fault? Maybe… but I didn’t bother to keep asking. I saw Ming, my plushie Mirgle, sleeping at his bed so I followed suit. My bed felt so much more comfortable than usual. Suddenly, I was awoken by a scratching noise. It didn’t wake me immediately but it sure was annoying. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a yellow ball on my floor. This caused me to open my eyes wider, realizing it had the shape of a Spyder. It didn’t look like a yellow Spyder though, it looked more transparent than normal. It was also weird to see a big Spyder in my room since I do try to keep my room in top shape (mostly due to Hannah yelling at me if I didn’t clean my room). I decided to be vocal about the Spyder being in my room by saying, “Hey, who are you?” The Spyder looked at me and then started to skitter to underneath my bed. “Hey!” I shouted as I tried to chase after it. It was a lot faster than me and, as I crawled towards it, I realized that underneath my bed seemed a lot bigger than I last remembered. As I went further in, the light behind me started to fade and the floor below me got...stickier? I don’t remember spilling anything on the ground, like, ever. Things were getting weirder as I kept going forward and light started to appear in front of me. “Come back! This isn’t funny!” I shouted. I was getting closer and closer to the light until I could see the ground was actually a yellow colour similar to the Spyder I saw. I was finally able to get out from the tunnel that was under my bed and see a whole town that was full of pets that had the same kind of translucence as that Spyder did. The ground wobbled underneath my feet and everything had a jiggle to it. I looked down and saw I had gone from a Royalboy Shoyru to...purple? No, purple was more solid than this. I sniffed my hand and realized right away what I was: jelly. So was all of this jelly? I sniffed a few more buildings and realized it was all jelly! Everything here was jelly, even the Neopets and Petpets. I couldn’t see anyone who wasn’t jelly. This place was amazing, from the giant jelly to the jelly volcano. I went into the closest food shop and sat down. “Welcome to my cafe! How can I serve you?” a jelly Kacheek asked. I was about to order when I realized that I didn’t bring any Neopoints with me. I sighed and said, “I don’t have any coins, I didn’t realize it before coming in here but I can’t afford anything.” The Kacheek laughed. “Son, you’re in Jelly World, nothing here costs coin! Just order something and enjoy!” I got excited and started to order my favourite foods, but in jelly form! After a few bites, I realized everything tasted normal but had a jelly texture. I thought it was super cool. After I had my fill, I waved the Kacheek goodbye and went on my way. I started to explore this jelly world and everything it had to offer. It seemed like everyone was happy here and had all types of entertainment, from games to music to dancing. After a couple of hours of having fun, I realized I needed to get home. I started to make my way back from where I came but couldn’t find the entrance home. “Odd, it was right here,” I whispered. “Everything alright here sonny?” I turned around and saw a jelly Chia, who I guess saw me trying to investigate where my way home went. “No, it isn’t; I can’t find my way home!” I complained. “Home? This is your home! You’re jelly and in jelly world. Where else could you possibly live?” “I live in Shenkuu. You know, next to Altador?” I tried to explain. He chuckled and said, “You speaking in tongues boy? Those places don’t exist.” I was taken aback by his lax behaviour towards my panicking. “Yes, they do. Ask anyone!” I said. The Chia turned around a bit to the jelly Eyrie and asked, “George, do you know any places called “Shen-koo” or “Alt-a-door”?” The Eyrie started to walk over and said, “Don’t think I do Oscar. Why do you ask?” “I’m from Shenkuu and I’m trying to get home! I don’t belong here,” I cried. I wanted to go home, back to Hannah and be in a place where jelly was just a food, not a way of life. “Son, you are jelly, so you are home. You don’t wanna actually leave, do you?” Oscar asked me. I pushed them out of the way and tried to find someone else to help me. They all responded just like Oscar. Before I knew it, I realized everyone was trying to stop me from going home. I ran all around, trying to keep me here. Soon, I was cornered between two buildings. “Come on son, stay for a while. You like it here, don’t you?” they all asked in unison. “No, I hate it here! I just wanna go home!” They all started to pile on me. I couldn’t see, it was so dark. This was it, wasn’t it? The last thing my family will remember me by is stomping up a flight of stairs. I was a horrible pet. Hannah, can you ever forgive me? “Spike, are you awake?” I heard a familiar voice say in the darkness. I opened my eyes and saw Hannah, holding a plate of jelly. “Oh, thank goodness you’re up. Listen, I want to say I’m sorry for how I reacted but I honestly have no idea where the jelly comes from. You look like you just had a nightmare. Are you ok?” she asked. I tried to remember what I dreamt about but I couldn’t. It all passed by so soon. All I remembered was jelly and wanting to see Hannah again. “I don’t think I care about where jelly comes from anymore. As long as you’re feeding me, that’s all that matters.” The End.