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Top 5 Dance Books

by greyorangegrey


     Neopia is a great place for readers. The books here cover all manner of fascinating subjects (such as Faerie Imprisonment for Fun and Profit)! My favourites, however, would have to be the dance-related ones. Today, I’ll be sharing my top five:

      5 - The Kyrii Dancer (Fiction, Y4)

     Description: A fun little tale about one split Kyrii who knew she just HAD to be a dancer.

     First and foremost, the spiral binding makes this the ultimate choice for the fussy Neopian who cannot bear a bent book spine! (That being all of us, am I right?)

     Unfortunately, this light-hearted tale suffers from a case of heavy-handed symbolism. A Split Kyrii is split between two paths. Even in Y4 this was a tired formula: The Kyrii wants to dance, but her family wants her focused on schoolwork so she can follow the family tradition of attending Brightvale University someday.

     For the younger crowd, this would make for an inspiring, uplifting read as it encourages them to follow their passions and trust their intuition, but older readers may find the story outdated as it dichotomises performing arts and academics, treating them as mutually exclusive options.

     The self-motivation and discipline developed through a repetitive and rigorous training schedule gives a dancer the tools to apply themselves in all aspects of their life. Today’s Neopet should not have to limit their passions down to one. Dance students are encouraged to pursue outside interests. Because, while it’s important to be dedicated to learning their craft, having nothing to focus on but dancing can lead to unhealthy, obsessive behaviour ( reviewing dance books).

      4 - Dance Away (Non-fiction, Y3)

     Description: Learn some interesting new dance steps from Acaras all over Neopia.

     What good would this ranking be without considering dance from the point of view of a quadruped species? As a bipedal Lutari myself, I found this one to be enlightening and heartwarming. This retired, easy-to-read coffee table book does a wonderful job of highlighting the universality of dance as it takes the reader on a photographic journey through the Neopian lands.

     It delivers exactly as promised, but I can’t help but wish for a second edition printing of this retired book. Since being published in Y3, many new lands have been discovered. I want to know how Acaras dance in places like Shenkuu, Moltara, and Kiko Lake (15 miles away). Also, travel has become much more accessible with the ease at which one can earn Neopoints nowadays. It would be interesting to see if the dance steps performed by Acaras in Y22 have merged into one singular style as a result of this.

      3 - Blumaroo Guide To Dancing (Non-fiction, Y3)

     Description: 1..2..3, 1..2..3, soon you will be grooving like a champion with this simple how-to dance book.

     Bouncing in at number three is this illustrated guide, and what a fitting number in the ranking. Who knew Blumaroos had a fondness for dances performed in triple time? That is the beauty of this book -- you are guaranteed to learn something new about this loveable species and their style of dance.

     If you’re stuck inside on a rainy day, do give the dances in this book a try. There are grooves for the solo dancer and group grooves for the Neopian who just can’t manage to downsize their family.

      2 - Grundo Ballet (Non-fiction, Y3)

     Description: Your Grundo will be able to glide through the air with ease after reading this guide to ballet.

     This front of this gorgeous and comprehensive hardcover features a tutu-wearing Grundo demonstrating one of the positions you will learn inside: effacé, and is the ONLY book in Neopia dedicated to ballet! It can be enjoyed by all species despite its description as a guide for Grundos.

     It covers all the basics in a step-by-step style suitable for beginners, while also providing strengthening and stretching exercises for those looking to build upon their existing ballet training.

     As hinted by the promise of gliding through the air, this book has a heavy focus on jumps in ballet, and it wisely and responsibly includes a history lesson on floors made for dancing and will tell you where you can find suitable surfaces to practise your jumps on (Mystery Island Training School, yes. Tyrannian Plateau, no).

      1 - Dancing with Ghost Meepits (Fiction, Y16)

     Description: If you don’t get the steps right, these Meepits will make you start all over again at the beginning.

     Sometimes, a Petpet in grave danger will dance in a circle with Ghost Meepits and then emerge from the Neovian catacombs seven hours later with a book on the very subject.

     Did you happen to pick up a Ghost Meepit Dance Part Ultra Remix from the Tale of Woe prize shop? Because if you did, you would know Meepits LOVE the Hokey Pokey! Putting your right hand in, putting your right hand out, putting your right hand in and shaking it all about seems simple enough, but they will be more than happy to let you know you are doing it wrong.

     On the surface, this is a semi-biographical spooky story based on something that happened to “a friend of a friend” of the author, but what makes this so brilliant is the Meepits as a metaphor.

     A metaphor for that dance teacher who made you repeat combinations and variations beyond the point of exhaustion, or even worse, a metaphor for the part of yourself that is never satisfied with your performance no matter how you did in the eyes of others. That inner critic can be more damaging than an Attack Pea!

     If you have trouble sleeping after reading this one, fret not. Just remember, ghosts are a figment of the imagination* and so is perfection.

     * No offence to any and all Neopets and Petpets painted this colour! Please do not haunt my NeoHome! Shoo!

     There we have it! The next time you find yourself in the mood for some dance literature, make sure to pick up at least one of these titles. You will not be disappointed.


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