Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 922 | 4th day of Celebrating, Y22
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The Coffee Tavern: Beginnings

by cyberfall


A heavy breeze swept over the rich green moors of Meridell delivering a quick relief from the June heat. The kickoff to the first match of this season's Altador Cup kept every Neopian on the edge of their seasons. People across Meridell began to set up flags for their team on their porch; blue, red, and gold overtook the entire town. Businesses transformed their regular cottage storefronts to support the town’s team. Meridellan themed merch and food stocked nearly every shelf. The thrill of it took the weight of daily work and grind off everyone's shoulders.

      “Wake up you big baby!” a female jelly moehog, Romyne, exclaimed at her petpet, desert albat. The albat nudged his pillow with his beak before covering his eyes and proceeding to sleep. “Rory,” she said sternly. “We’re going on a walk!” The girl threw on a white muscle tank top bearing the Meridell team logo. She paired it with black ripped shorts and tied her long, wavy orange hair into a messy ponytail as her side swept bangs fell out of the front. She picked up Rory, who hesitated at first, but then succumbed.

      Romyne and Rory made their way through the cobblestone roads that paved through the center of Meridell. Old, medieval styled houses were built on each side of the street. Lines of Meridell flags connected from roof to roof. The streets bustled with celebration and vendors selling ice cold slushies and team gear. Romyne proudly considered herself a huge cup fanatic and found herself fascinated by all the goods, but she stuck strictly to her morning routine. She was on her way to her regular coffee shop, The Coffee Tavern.

      Romyne wasn’t native to Meridell like her friend and favourite barista, Ashdken. She grew up in Kreludor and dreamed nightly of living in the medieval historic town of Meridell. After moving, her best friend at the time left Meridell, and she continued to live in isolation. She met her petpet, Rory, and took him on walks every day exploring the town. The two became adored by Meridellians on the streets, but Romyne craved genuine social interaction and a chance to meet friends. She came across a newly opened café one day, and destiny motivated her to visit it.

      Romyne approached the door and a new sign had been plastered onto the front window reading in bold letters,


      “Yes! It's finally in season again!” Romyne barged through the front door to The Coffee Tavern. “Ash!”

      The scruffy desert xweetok ran from behind the counter and introduced his best friend with a heartfelt hug. “Do you want your regular today? How is Rory doing?”

      “No, give me the Yooyuball Coffee pleeeease!”

      “Croissant is in the back -” Ash laughed as Rory trotted immediately to meet up with his Yooyu friend by the reading nook.

      “Where’s your Meridell gear Ash?!” Romyne looked him up and down in disappointment. Instead he wore a muscle tank bearing the ‘‘GRUUNDO’ band logo paired with his favourite skinny jeans, bracelets, and arrowhead necklace. “Out of all people, you’re the one wearing a Kreludor related shirt?”

      “Hey, somebody’s got to support their best friend’s hometown.” He handed her the Yooyuball Coffee with a giant grin.

      “Stop...you’re the best,” she laughed and made her merry way to the reading nook in the back. Romyne caught the eyes of a few other regulars that recognized her and gave them a kind nod. She walked past a few booths lined up against the wall and stopped as she reached a crackling fireplace. It stood on the right of the hole in the wall surrounded by an arch everyone knows as the reading nook. She peered through the curtain to see a dashing red xweetok with dark eyes and hair parted in the middle. “Lucifuzzu!”

      “Good morning, Romyne,” he sat up and began to pet Rory. “I see you didn’t get your regular today. Is the Yooyuball Coffee any good?”

      She nodded. Romyne turned to look at the walls. Every month, The Coffee Tavern collaborated with local artists and hung up their art in their shop to share their hard work. Whenever an artist had their portfolio of artwork hung up, an official art show initiation was held at the beginning of the month. Romyne longed for her own art to be a part of The Coffee Tavern’s walls. She once was a stranger to the town without her old friend, and without having stepped foot in The Coffee Tavern, she still may have been just as lost. It gave her a family. “I’ve always wanted to have art hung up, but, I feel like I won’t be good enough...or never finish a portfolio.”

      “It sounds like you’re being ruled by your doubts,” Lucifuzzu closed the heavy book he was reading and a cloud of dust exploded from the pages. “I don’t believe it was your doubts that brought you into The Coffee Tavern on your first day.”

      “Hm,” Romyne self consciously groaned. “I just want to leave my mark on this place somehow. Like...I want people to know how much it means to me.”

      She took out her sketchbook and loosely began to doodle Lucifuzzu reading by the fireplace. Calming medieval music quietly lured in the background with a sudden crackling or ‘POP’ from the fireplace. Small chatter lingered in the air followed by the clanking of the barista’s dishes. The two peacefully partook in their hobbies in each other's company whilst making comments to each other sparingly. The sudden sound of heavy footsteps interrupted their focus as Ashdken ran and skidded to a halt in front of the nook.

      “Romyne -” The front door slammed open and the bell interrupted him mid-speech. An xweetok with long fiery hair shaved on both sides and shadow fur nervously walked into the coffee shop.

      “Hi Bleghwoof!” Romyne waved. Lucifuzzu nodded at Bleghwoof.

      “Guys,” Ash stood in front of Romyne to block her view of their friend that had just come in. “Romyne. Vrosealie looking for a new barista.”

      “...Me? I know barely anything about coffee!”

      “Romyne...we can teach you that! We can’t teach any random stranger on the street to be passionate about The Coffee Tavern and its people. You have it in you.”

      “I - I, yes, okay, please...this is a dream.”

      “Get up! Let’s get you started.” Ashdken grabbed her hand to help her off the floor.

      Lucifuzzu looked up at Romyne who was still in shock. “Don’t tell me you’re doubting your importance in this place now,” he gave her half of a smirk. “Go get inspiration for that portfolio you want to hang up.”

      Weeks followed quickly after Vrosalie officially hired Romyne. She endured hours of training in the kitchen before shadowing Ashdken during work hours. Customers slowly, but surely recognized the new barista in The Coffee Tavern and made sure to learn her name. Romyne found it interesting being on the other side of the counter in her favourite place to relax. Although it required a lot of work, she had the opportunity to meet more regulars on top of her small coffee shop friend group. Romyne, once being the customer that was encouraged to pursue her dreams by baristas, became the one to inspire guests. While working sounded like a dream full of socializing and meeting people, the reality was that it was tiring work. She worryingly made mistakes, incorrect orders, and spills here and there, but after a month or two of working, Romyne felt more confident and a part of the barista team. The weekends were gruesome and rushes of people followed endlessly after each other, especially during the Altador Cup season.

      It had been a long, unforgiving Saturday night after a Meridell home game. They had just defeated Darigan Citadel and The Coffee Tavern was suffocated with influxes of fans grabbing slushies and coffee. Vrosealie tiredly let out a cheer of relief as she turned the ‘OPEN’ sign to ‘CLOSED’.

      Romyne gave Vrosealie a stern look of confusion, “we’re not supposed to close for another hour?”

      “Honestly,” Vrosealie sighed. “I want to give you two a break. Let’s make ourselves coffee and just relax by the fire. We’ll clean up in an hour.”

      Ashdken wasted no second to cook himself a bowl of oatmeal loaded with strawberries, peanut butter, and white chocolate. Romyne stood in place, slightly puzzled, but felt thrilled inside at being let off early on such a busy day. She proceeded to brew herself a cup of banana cream coffee and then headed to the fireplace. The three baristas sat in a circle to feast and partake in chatting.

      Ash struggled to stop his laughter to speak. “Yeah, Vrosealie thought I was a LUNATIC!”

      “Sugar and milk in coffee? I was horrified! My past self would have hated me for even trying that mocha.” Vrosealie continued. “That boy was the last person I would have ever hired to be a barista...and it would have been the greatest mistake of my life if I didn’t.”

      “Stop,” Ash muttered in an embarrassed manner. Romyne felt a little lighter after hearing that Ashdken had trouble becoming a barista too. She often felt like she wasn’t good enough to have the position.

      “I almost didn’t take the job. I thought I wasn’t good or interesting enough to be a barista,” Romyne let off her chest. “Actually, I still get really nervous when regulars try to converse with me.”

      “What?! You’re the BEST to work with,” Ash shouted. “I hated the days you didn’t come to buy coffee back when you were a customer. You were my favourite person to talk to.”

      “Romyne,” Vrosealie spoke over Ashdken in a serious tone. “I asked for you specifically. At some point in our lives we knew nothing about the art of coffee...but the personality and style of a barista...you can’t just create that by teaching someone. That’s all of you. We wanted you personally because you got along with our team and customers so well. Haven’t you noticed the people’s faces when they get to order from you? When they compliment your hair or clothes? When they learn you grew up on Kreludor? I can’t teach any stranger on the street to be you. You’ll learn the job as time passes.”

      “I - I don’t know what to say,” Romyne replied flustered.

      “You don’t need to say anything. Just remember what I told you tonight.” Vrosealie paused. “Plus, you keep Ashdken busy so that he doesn’t talk my ears off.”

      “Hey…” Ash pretended to glare angrily as the three laughed. “I’m lucky to have run into her broken down shop in the middle of Neovia...I felt so self-conscious about my repetitive life on Meri Acres Farm. Yeah, I grew food and wrote poetry but, I didn’t feel like there was any meaning to it. Now I grow fruit to use in our drinks and on open mic nights I read my poetry to the audience in the shop. I can share my passions with people.”

      “He’s right,” Vrosealie sighed. “We’re lucky he walked into my Neovian shop that day. Without him, my business would have been run down into the ground. I wouldn’t have one. I didn’t have many friends, I had no regulars...now I have a family I can hang out with at work everyday. I have regulars to take care of and meet.”

      Romyne smiled as she looked down at her feet. “Yeah...Before I visited The Coffee Tavern for my first time, I didn’t have any friends. Ashdken and I got along right away…It felt like I hadn’t been alone. Then I met my entire friend group in this shop, people I never thought I would get along with. I do crossword puzzles with old people and make art with Lucifuzzu and Bleghwolf. I couldn’t have asked for more, but here I am, working here.”

      After a few minutes, Vrosealie rose from her chair. “Okay guys, let’s clean up this mess.” The three spent the next hour tidying up the café and preparing it for the next day of work.

      Vrosealie bid her farewell to the group and headed home. Romyne and Ashdken began their walk together.

      “I know I said that being a barista here is a dream come true but,” Romyne looked up at the night sky as a twinkling star flashed across the horizon. “I really want to make a portfolio of art to hang up in the shop. A portfolio reflecting on my feelings and what I’ve endured in the past few years.”

      “Well why haven’t you? We’re not stopping you. We’d love to have your art hanging up. You HAVE to do it!”

      “I don’t know. It’s a lot of work and...it might not be good enough. I don’t even have any initial ideas.”

      “Then let’s go on an adventure! Into the woods or, or... we’ll go to Maraqua!”


      “Yes! That’ll channel your creativity, NO DOUBT about it.”

      “Haha, let’s just start with an adventure in the woods. Bring your guitar!”

     “You know,” Ashdken began. “Not many people have been to Kreludor. Why don’t you start your first art piece with where you grew up?” The two neopets walked off into the distance. The air cooled down after the unbearable hot summer day and the darkness gave off a warm, somber feeling as hope glistened in the stars.

     The End.

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