Light PhyActivities for the Not-Necessarily-Athletic by peacelovebliss
Let's face it: Not every individual in Neopia is created with the ability to play Yooyuball (or any other game) at a professional level, and the Altador Cup season does not appeal to everyone. I, personally, play as many games of Yooyuball as my eyes can tolerate each day (meaning I try to gain as many points as I can for my team, but limit my time to avoid injury to my knuckles or something). I'm certain that I'm not alone, though. With so many things to do, between playing the Cup's major and fast-paced games and shopping for Altador Cup gear to show support, we sometimes forget that we could keep our pets moving without stressing them out due to their lack of interest. Here are some ideas for underrated activities you can try doing with those who would rather stay away from possibly rogue Yooyus (not that it hasn't happened to us...*cough*). Battling in the ‘Dome The Battledome is a classic crowd pleaser for a reason. I know that my pets would opt to go against an easier opponent once or twice instead of handling several cranky customers’ slushie orders. With the Battledome, the choice is yours on what arena to have the battle take place in, which opponent to fight, and the level of intensity said opponent will be during the battle (but you probably knew that already). With proper training as well as the right weapons and abilities, this option should be an exhilarating activity for your pet regardless of his or her stance on the Altador Cup. 2. Picking Berries at Meri Acres Farm …On the other end of the scale, we have a relaxing and peaceful way to get moving. Sure, there’s no guarantee that you and your pet will leave the farm with a basket full of berries, but that’s what makes this particularly interesting! Take your time exploring the bushes and grounds because it is a tranquil and beautiful place that others tend to overlook. 3. Take a Tiki Tour If your pet would rather catch some rays on a picturesque beach than in the company of a certain loud fan (yup…that one), then this one is for you. With the sound of crashing waves and the sensation of sand beneath your feet. Not only will your pets enjoy the thrill of walking around Mystery Island, but they will learn a thing or five about what makes the Island a premier vacation destination all year round. 4. Go Shopping! There are usually dozens of places to roam around whilst looking for that perfect purchase for your Neopet (or yourself). During the Altador Cup season, most Neopians are to be found watching the games, so I consider store hopping to be a rather ideal activity around this time. With fewer shoppers, there’s more space to find what you want and - even better - you have a greater likelihood of successfully purchasing items (since there’s less competition in terms of haggling with store owners. Remember to be fair in doing this, though!) 5. Consider the Neolodge If your pet would rather stay active in a less crowded environment (and if you have enough NP), the Neolodge is always open. With a Swimming Pool and Tennis Courts offered as extras for visitors staying at any hotel, how could one not enjoy spending a night there? The lodge also has a Jacuzzi/Spa for anybody who needs some rest and relaxation after swimming or playing tennis. There is no better cure for achy muscles than a spa treatment. (Other Neolodge extras are good too, though, so don’t limit yourself to just these!) 6. Have You Checked Your SDB? I cannot stress enough how many steps I take just by looking to see what items are in my Safety Deposit Box. This, of course, depends on how much of a hoarder you are, but if you’re lucky, then the thrill of knowing that you may discover that valuable item from years ago? It will be worth the extra hundred steps, I assure you. 7. Go on a Faerie Quest Sometimes a Faerie randomly approaches you to ask for a certain item with the promise of blessing your pet. Other times, you make it happen. If you have the Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies, why not help a faerie out and challenge yourself to finding items for your pet’s benefit? The boards are always active with kind Neopians who are willing to lend a hand. Here’s a suggestion: After the faerie blesses your pet, help others with their own faerie quests! Staying physically active is great, but spreading kindness is so much better. 8. Explore Altador I know the land can get really loud and crowded because of the event, but if you happen to be in the area anyway, you might as well have fun in the nearby buildings and establishments! Show honour and respect to the area’s bravest and most noble by visiting the Hall of Heroes and walking the whole circle. I suggest having a quick meal at Exquisite Ambrosia, then admiring the structure and setup of everything around the land. Hearing the roars and cheers of Yooyuball spectators may even draw you to the stands (which is really optional but would be preferred by your chosen team, of course). If you’re just not much of an Altador Cup fanatic, that’s okay. We can’t all be active participants of the thrilling yet sometimes exhausting games. If you feel like you’ve played enough Yooyuball or booed the opposing team too loudly, or when your pet starts complaining about being in one place for too long and feeling achy…well, luckily, there are a few methods to stay “fit” through movement, without having to stress out over another spilt slushie or a random Yooyu exploding on you. What’s so great about this idea is how although the time for the Altador games is limited, my suggestions are available anytime! Enjoy staying active for the rest of the Altador Cup season!