Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 90,556,056 Issue: 163 | 22nd day of Collecting, Y6
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Behind the Baby Paint Brush

by chewlytwinkie12


The baby paint brush may be the one paint brush that every Neopian wants. Everyone thinks that by having your pet baby, it will be cute and cuddly, but as you’ll find out later, it’s not all its cracked up to be. The baby paint brush was originally priced at a low price in the Hidden Tower. As more of these paint brushes were demanded, the higher they went. Soon, the price was so much; there were tons of people begging for them because it was unaffordable.

Babies are very delicate things, even for a neopet. They whine and cry and scream, sometimes you just want to throw your hands up and be done. But when you look at it’s cute little face, all is forgiven. Everyone who owns a baby pet must adore it because it is so young. Well what about the pet’s feelings? It is going to have to stay a small helpless infant until it is repainted.

Repainting a baby pet will just throw away the tons of Neopoints it took to paint it. The baby paint brush is one of those paint brushes people find sacred. I don’t understand the difference between a baby Chia and a yellow Skeith? One is much cuter, I’ll tell you that. However, it doesn’t seem fair that the Chia gets all the attention just because this oh-so-special paint brush painted it.

I was special enough to interview one of my good friends. He is a baby Bruce, which we’ll just call “Paul”. Paul used to be a very intelligent Christmas buzz. Can you believe that?! A Christmas buzz - and then suddenly –ZAP– a baby Bruce?! That’s right, I said zap. “Paul” was zapped by the lab ray. He was once before a Maraquan Peophin. Now that’s just crazy, a Peophin, to a buzz - to a baby Bruce! Well anyway, that isn’t the point.

Paul has been a baby for about three weeks now – long enough to know, it isn’t the best being a baby. I was lucky enough, once again, to know how Paul’s schedule went.

First, he’d wake up and cry. He thought he was saying “Mom! I’m awake!” But all that came out was the sound of a mere shriek. Then, he’d get his little bottle and drink some nice orange juice for a while. When it was done, he’d yell, “Done!” But all that came out, once again, was a cry. Not being to talk, to Paul, was very depressing. Paul wasn’t use the to the lifestyle he had now. He was always used to having words come out of his mouth, not a cry.

Next Paul would try and walk to the other room, but he’d have to go there through hands and knees. It wasted a lot of time, but it was his only way of transportation.

Next his mom would take him out to Neopian Central where his cheeks would be pinched until they turned red. His body would be thrown into arms, for a small hug. His mom’s arms would be filled with little gifts. Attention, however, was not his favorite thing.

After they’re little ‘stroll’, he’d ask to go to play some games. All that would come out was a little groan. Paul always got frustrated when he was trying to say something, and the only thing he managed was an annoying squirm.

His mother was quite smart, which helped Paul a lot. He’d go play some games such as Gormball or Cheat. After a while he’d want to go home and play with his Poogle plushies. His mom would give him a confused expression, and after a moment of Paul pointing and squirming, she’d understand.

Paul would go home and play a little bit, and then his mom would read him a book, and it was off to bed. It made Paul a little mad that he went to bad so early, but as his mom always said, “Babies need a lot of sleep.” And boy, was that what Paul received.

I met up with Paul and had a little conversation with him. It was hard to talk because all he’d say was baby words – but his helpful mom translated just for you, so you get to read what he was saying.

Me - Hey Paul! How’s it going?

Paul - Not okay, my cheeks hurt from being pinched so much.

Me – Well you are adorable! *smile*

Paul – I wish I wasn’t. *frown*

Me – What do you mean, you’re an angel!

Me – Everyone envies you, especially me *wink*

Paul – Well, I’m not very fond of attention, but now that I was painted with that dreaded Baby paint brush, all I get is attention! Enough to fill the whole Neopia!

Me – That doesn’t have to be a bad thing. But Paul, tell me about the advantages of being a baby.

Paul – Advantages? What advantages? *laugh*

Paul – Well, you ARE kind of cute. OKAY! I’m lying – you’re VERY cute. And, I guess you get to be first for everything, since you’re so little. And, being a baby means you don’t have to do every single thing for yourself, although I wish I could.

Me – Wow, that sounds pretty fun. Looks like you’re a V.I.P

Paul – Sadly, yes.

Me – It isn’t that bad. You have fans, at least.

Paul – My mom has the fans, I just got the looks – I think.

Me – You’re right, you do have the looks. *wink*

Paul – But, my mom is a really big help. She can almost always understand me now, which is a load of help.

Paul – There are a lot of bad things though. People don’t understand you; your main diet is mushy oatmeal, and a bottle of milk. *makes a face* You get way to much attention, random people compliment you – it’s like being a movie star!

Me – And that’s a bad thing?!

Paul – In some cases, yes. A very bad and ANNOYING thing.

Me - *snicker*

Paul – I’m sorry but if I don’t get home soon, mom will be angry. It’s bedtime, and I am kind of tired.

Me – Okay, Paul, it’s been great talking to you, thanks a million! Bye!

Paul – No problem. *yawn* Bye!

And that was that. Paul didn’t seem all that excited being a baby, as you could tell. Maybe being a baby isn’t the best thing to be painted. More and more people are buying them at extraordinary prices. Be careful – not hearing your pet is a big deal. Don’t let it happen!

Babies may be cute, cuddly, and adorable – but think about their feelings.

Next time you have a spare 600,000 Neopoints – think wisely about the paint brush you want to buy. You never know what’s – Behind the baby paint brush.

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