For an easier life Circulation: 94,333,932 Issue: 184 | 1st day of Eating, Y7
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Bad Idea

by sailornezumi

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Fooling Fluffy
"'To: Fluffy. From: Sweet. This is a gift for you on this special day.' Huh? The first day of the Month of Eating isn't - AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"

by precious_katuch14


Cloud Code
Attention Warf Rescue Team!

by crazyshannon_com


The Curse of Maraqua
Marissa the Maraquan Acara and Theresa the Maraquan Uni were playing around in a coral reef, ducking and diving between the holes and swimming around wildly, playing as long as their hearts desired. That is, until the boats came...

by charlotte203368


The Joke's On You!
I don't know if I like you anymore...

Also by theonlyjessica

by scarletrhapsody

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