Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 94,333,932 Issue: 184 | 1st day of Eating, Y7
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Meridellian Mayhem - Goodbye...

by ikkin_with_attitude

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The Secret Art of Wasting Neopoints
Now many guides that have stricken the boards and Neopian Times have been on how to MAKE Neopoints, but why bother?

by sato_master


Snack Attack
Ready? Pounce!

by hidingfox


Cheri's Worst Birthday
As the sun rose in the east, Cheri, a starry Lupe, blinked her eyes sleepily. After a moment, she remembered what day it was. It's my birthday, she groaned to herself.

by sarahbir


Wise Words from Coltzan
That was a preconceived joke... of course!

by confuzerated

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