Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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Picking My Own

by morningsun

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Fish Faces!
Careful where you clean your Petpets...

by goldchocobo21


I wonder why she needs that?

by firestarrz


The Beauty Shop of Horrors: Part One
"Oh honey, you sure do look like you're exhausted," Tine pointed out as the two made their way towards her home. "I mean, look at the lines under your eyes. They're the size of apricots! And look at this filthy hair. EEE! Your skin! It's so greasy!"

by blubblub317


A Pirate's Life for Me: Part One
"Ysabel, I'm going on a walk around the beach..."

by jennyfoos221

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