A Day of Infamy: Part Four by shadih_temporary
"The heart of Faerieland…" Samantha repeated Adalia's words.
"That'd be the direct center of the city, would it not?"
"I guess," AJ shrugged.
The two pets had departed the Hidden Tower and
were now sitting on a bench in front of a rather small building.
"Well, how do we find the center of this humongous
city?" Samantha asked.
AJ turned around to face the building the sign
behind then.
"Tourist Trappe," he read the signs posted on
the building aloud. "Visiting Faerieland? We have maps, souvenirs-"
"Maps?!" Samantha hopped off the bench. "That's
perfect! All we have to do is locate the center on a map!"
Samantha rushed inside the building. AJ sighed
and picked up the jar the Spyder was in, following Samantha inside the building.
It was indeed a very small store. Maps and pamphlets featuring tourist attractions
bombarded the shelves that were propped up against the walls. An aged Faerie
Kougra with thick spectacles and a pearl necklace around her neck sat behind
a desk.
"Can I help you children?" the Kougra looked
up at the two and squinted. She obviously had trouble seeing.
"Yes," Samantha approached the desk. "May I
please look at a map of Faerieland?"
"Sure!" the Kougra placed her arms on the desk.
"That'll be 50 Neopoints."
"Erm…" Samantha's eyes darted around the room.
"I don't need to buy it. I just need to look at it,"
"50 Neopoints to look at it, and 100 to buy
it!" the Kougra snapped. "Now, either you pay for the map or you get out of
my store,"
"C'mon Samantha," AJ headed for the front door.
Suddenly, a loud crash came from inside a door
behind the front desk. The words "Employees Only" were printed on the door in
black ink.
"Junior?!" the Faerie Kougra spun around to
face the door. "What in tarnation is going on in there?!"
"Sorry!" Came a soft, male voice. "I dropped
a couple boxes."
"Oh my goodness!" The Faerie Kougra groaned
and departed into the "Employees Only" room.
"Wait, AJ. Don't go yet," Samantha demanded.
"Quick, get a map off of the shelves over there!"
AJ made his way over to a shelf against the
wall and selected a map of Faerieland off of it. Samantha rushed to his side
as he unfolded the map.
"There!" Samantha poked her finger at the direct
center of the map. "That dirt path in between those trees!"
"Er… Samantha?" AJ eyed area Samantha had been
poking at.
"That can't be where we have to go. That's where
the Hidden Tower was!"
"No," Samantha snatched the map out of AJ's
hands and pressed her face against the one spot. She eyed it very carefully,
and found that it was indeed where the Hidden Tower was.
Samantha balled up the map and tossed it aside.
"That can't be it! Maybe the map is a little distorted! I mean, there was no
way we could fall or whatever Adalia said from inside that huge tower!"
That's when Samantha realized where Adalia wanted
her to go. "AJ! I've got it!"
"Got what?"
"The heart of Faerieland! I know where it is!"
Samantha grabbed AJ by the arm and tugged him
out of the shop. The two pets ran through the huge city as fast as they could,
dodging stray pets and Faeries and making sure they didn't run into buildings.
"Where are you taking me?!" AJ finally managed
to ask.
"You'll see," Samantha smirked.
Five minutes of running non-stop went by before
Samantha and AJ arrived at the very beginning of the city.
"Samantha, this is where we came in from!" AJ
exclaimed, remembering the trip with the Faerie Bubble. "We ran that far just
to come back here?"
"AJ, don't you remember?!" Samantha asked.
"Remember what?" AJ scratched his head.
"Don't you remember the shape of the clearing
where we found the Faerie Bubble?" Samantha continued. "It was a heart! That
has to be the Heart of Faerieland!"
"What makes you so sure of that?" AJ crossed
his arms.
He stepped onto the part of the cloud where
the Faerie Bubble first dropped him and Samantha off. AJ hopped up and down
on the cloud, but did not fall through.
"Adalia said you must go to the Heart of Faerieland
and let yourself free, and you will fall," AJ explained. "Well, I'm not falling."
"Adalia also said I was chosen to do this,"
Samantha stared at the cloud AJ stood on. "You may not the free heart needed
to do this… but I do."
And at that, Samantha took one step backwards
and shut her eyes tight.
"Samantha… what are you doing?" AJ stepped off
the cloud and began walking towards her.
Samantha took in a deep breath, and her eyes
shot open. The Yellow Aisha the lunged forward, her feet slamming against the
soft cloud as she ran towards the cloud AJ stood upon. Samantha jumped forward
and AJ quickly hopped off the cloud.
Samantha did not land on the cloud. She broke
right through it. AJ stared in wonder as he watched Samantha fall through the
sky, heading for the heart-shaped clearing. Realizing there was nothing he could
do to stop her, he lifted the Spyder Jar into the air and called to his friend.
"Samantha! Catch!"
AJ then brought his arm down, letting go of
the jar. The jar broke through the cloud, traveling faster than Samantha was.
Samantha spun around in the air so that she was now facing the cloud Faerieland
sat on. She reached out he arms and caught the Spyder Jar when it had come close
enough to her. The Spyder inside the jar chattered uncontrollably and kicked
at the walls of the jar with its legs, obviously frightened.
Samantha smiled at AJ, who was looking over
the edge of Faerieland's cloud, and then turned so that her back faced him.
The clearing came ever so nearer and nearer. But from high up in the sky, Samantha
could clearly see the heart it formed. To her, it was an amazing site.
That's when Samantha noticed the ground was
coming a little too close. She expected something to happen to her to prevent
her from hitting the ground by this time, but nothing of the sort had occurred.
By this time, Samantha had begun to panic. She shut her eyes and clung tightly
to the glass jar. Samantha fell and fell and fell until she broke through the
lowest cloud in the sky.
And then, something miraculous happened.
Samantha fell through the cloud, but did not
come out the other end. The Aisha seemed to be stuck in the center of the cloud.
What's going on? Samantha thought to
herself, curling up in a ball and shivering. I-it's so cold…
The Aisha shut her eyes tight as she remained
trapped inside the small cloud. Tiny droplets of freezing cold water plopped
onto Samantha's yellow fur. Or was it yellow? Somehow, Samantha felt rather
different on the outside. She tried to open her eyes, but couldn't. She couldn't
see or hear anything… just the back of her eyelids and the sound of the Spyder
banging its head against the jar.
And then, Samantha broke through the bottom
of the cloud. Almost immediately, the Aisha had returned to her normal body
temperature. Yet, she did not fall. Samantha slowly opened her eyes and looked
around. She tilted her head down to see the ground was a long ways away. She
was floating!
Samantha brought her paws to her face to discover
they were no longer yellow. Her paws were a light blue. Samantha turned her
head to look at her back.
That's right. A pair of pink, feathery wings
was attached to Samantha's back. They were flapping wildly, keeping the Aisha
in mid-air.
She was no longer Yellow. Samantha was now a
Faerie Aisha.
"So, this must be what Adalia meant by having
a free soul," Samantha said aloud. "Those with hearts and souls pure enough
are meant to be what I am: a Faerie. She's right; everyone has a purpose in
life. And right now, my purpose is to stop this horrible plague of the living
Samantha looked down at the heart-shaped clearing,
her facial expression stern and hard. Her eyes stopped at the pointed end of
the heart. She looked straight ahead of the point to find an ocean, far, far
"There it is!" Samantha exclaimed. "The sea!"
And at that, Samantha straightened out her body
and began flapping her wings even harder than they were. The Faerie Aisha then
speedily flew over the tops of hundreds of trees, heading towards the ocean.
Once Samantha had reached her destination, she
landed gracefully on the sandy beach. Samantha watched the dark blue waves crash
to the shore and send droplets of water into the air as they collided with large,
jagged rocks for just a moment.
Samantha sighed. "I wish I could say this will
be easy. I wish I could say all I'll be doing is hopping in the water and looking
for cave. But there's a lot more to it than that. And I know it. I can't fight
the truth; I can't prove it wrong. This will be far from easy."
Samantha looked down at the glass jar containing
the frightened Spyder in her right paw. She pondered for a few seconds.
"I can't possibly take you into the ocean with
me," Samantha spoke to the Spyder. "That'll just be mean. There are holes in
the lid of the jar; you'll drown. I can't let that happen. If I die down there,
I die down there. There's no stopping fate's decision. If I really am to save
Neopia, then I'll be all right."
Samantha squatted on the sandy beach and popped
open the glass jar. She allowed the Spyder to crawl out of the jar and scurry
away, leaving itty-bitty footprints in the sand. Samantha stood up and watched
the Spyder hurry off until it was out of sight. She then dropped the jar onto
the beach and turned to look at the ocean.
Samantha took a deep breath, and put one foot
forward. She hesitated, and then darted down the beach and lunged right into
a rolling wave.
It was cold underwater. Very cold. And the taste
of salty water filled Samantha's mouth. It was hard for Samantha to open her
eyes. But she managed. Luckily for her, the water was pretty clear. It would
be easy to locate a large cave that might just belong to a Dark Faerie.
There was just one problem: Samantha could not
breathe underwater. She had to find Ferra's cave quickly, or she would surely
And almost miraculously, a large cave bombarded
with towering spokes along the sides of it and a garden of seaweed and coral
decorated the front came into view. It was just so sudden; Samantha could hardly
believe it!
But she didn't let that hold her back. Samantha
squealed with excitement, sending bubbles of air to the surface of the ocean.
The Aisha began swimming quickly towards the cave, when her foot got caught
in a patch of seaweed.
Samantha let out a small yip when the seaweed
jerked her backwards. She turned around and began pulling at the seaweed with
her paws, slowly running out of breath.
In the distance, Samantha saw two Maraquan Aishas
emerge from behind a large rock. Their mouths were wide open and lined with
razor-sharp teeth, and their eyes were completely black. They were zombies.
Samantha stared wide-eyed at the two Aishas
for a moment, and then began tearing at the seaweed wrapped around her leg.
The Aishas noticed Samantha caught in the seaweed, and hissed furiously. They
then zoomed through the water, flapping their tail fins furiously and hissing
as they did so. Samantha screamed in terror, continuing to pull at the seaweed.
Finally, she managed to rip the seaweed off
of her leg. But she was too later. One of the Maraquan Aishas floated under
Samantha and grabbed her by the arms. Samantha looked down at the Maraquan Aisha
as it opened its mouth and breathed out, sending an air bubble floating right
towards Samantha's open mouth.
Samantha noticed what was happening. She shut
her mouth and jerked her head to the side, allowing the air bubble to float
to the surface. Samantha then kicked the Aisha away and began swimming extremely
fast towards the mysterious cave.
Unfortunately, Samantha was completely out of
breath. She wished she could cry as she swam towards the cave. But she couldn't.
And it was so painful to not have any oxygen left in your body. But she made
it. Samantha courageously swam through the seaweed and coral bed and into the
opening of the cave. The Maraquan Aishas gave up on Samantha and swam off, searching
for a weaker prey.
The water in the cave seemed darker than the
water outside the cave. But a light from above guided Samantha. Samantha swam
towards the light, using her wings to push her there faster. And then, her head
was out of the water. Samantha inhaled deeply and climbed out of the dark water
and onto the rocky floor of the cave. There, she coughed and coughed and coughed,
enjoying the sweet air around her.
When Samantha finally had enough strength to
open her eyes, she discovered the source of light came from several tall, black
lamps that lined the floor of walls of the cave. Samantha stood up and eyed
the rest of her surroundings.
The floor, walls, and ceiling were all made
of the rock of the cave. To go along with the ten or fifteen lamps, a desk made
of dark driftwood was at the very end of the cave. Behind the desk was a large,
black, leather chair, its back facing Samantha. She spotted the top of someone's
head poking out of the chair.
"Ferra," Samantha whispered.
"You call my name?" Came a soft, feminine voice.
Samantha stared at the back of the chair firmly.
"I've been expecting you," said the voice.
"Everyone's been expecting me," Samantha replied.
"Have you taken the time to think why?" The
voice asked. "Could it be because this is your purpose: to come to my cave and
stop my evil plan?"
"Adalia said so," Samantha crossed her arms.
"Child, don't believe that wretched witch,"
the voice laughed to itself. "She is but a liar; a con artist. She wanted you
to foolishly dive down into the depths of the sea. She wanted you dead!"
Samantha gasped, staring at the back of the
black chair in disbelief. "No. Adalia may be insane, but she's not evil… like
"Oh, so I'm evil? Tell me, what have I done
to be presented the title, 'evil'?"
"You know good and well what you've done,"
"You mean granting the CAP machine the power
to create zombified pets?"
Samantha didn't reply.
"How is that evil? I'm just having fun! Plus,
it's just to get back at all the freaks in Faerieland who had me banished. And
there's nothing wrong with the succulent taste of revenge, now is there?"
"Yes, there is."
"Foolish child."
The black chair spun around so that the figure
sitting in it was facing Samantha. A Faerie of purple skin and dark purple hair
stared at her. She wore a black, flowing dress and dark purple gloves on her
arms. The Faerie smiled sinisterly at Samantha.
"As you know, I am Ferra."
"And you are Samantha."
"What a simple name."
Samantha scoffed.
"Well, go ahead! Come up to my desk and stop
me from creating any more zombies! Go on; go on! I'd love to see you try."
Samantha hesitated. She hadn't thought about
this. How was she to stop Ferra? She had come all this way, thinking it would
be as easy as counting to three to stop Ferra's plan. Samantha hadn't thought
properly though. Ferra was right. Samantha was nothing but a foolish child.
"I'm not getting any younger!" Ferra snapped,
picking at her fingernails.
Samantha gulped. She could think of merely one
thing to say. "Ferra, I demand you stop making zombies, and that you fix the
CAP Machine."
"Whatever you say!" Ferra smiled. "If this is
your purpose, why shouldn't I do what you say?"
Samantha's jaw dropped. She stared wide-eyed
at Ferra, gaping. It couldn't really be that easy! She thought.
"Be back in a second!" Ferra exclaimed.
Ferra waved her arms in the air and shut her
eyes. She disappeared in a puff of purple smoke. Samantha continued to gape
at the chair where Ferra once sat.
Minutes later, Ferra returned in another puff
of purple smoke. She plopped into her black, leather chair and propped her feet
on her desk.
"Okay, I'm done." Ferra said, sounding rather
bored. "Anything else you want me to do before you go?"
Samantha blinked. "Wait a second! This is too
good to be true! You didn't really go and fix the CAP Machine. You probably
just poofed to another cave in the ocean or something a waited a few minutes,
and then came back here. Ferra, I most certainly am not as stupid as you think."
"No," Ferra toyed with her hair. "I know. I
really did fix your stupid machine. If you'd like, I could take you there to
show you. But it would take like a half an hour for me to poof a Neopet halfway
across Neopia, and another thirty minutes to poof you back here."
Samantha tilted her head. "Well, I guess I can
believe you. If you were willing to show me, you obviously did your job. And
I don't feel like wasting an hour of my life on nothing."
"Okay, bye." Ferra removed a nail filer from
her desk drawer and began scraping away at her fingernails.
"Wait!" Samantha cried. "Sure, you've fixed
the machine. But there are still hundreds of zombified pets lurking around out
there! It's a hazard to society, and I demand you get rid of them all!"
Ferra suddenly stopped filing her nails. She
smiled widely. "Are you sure you would like me to do that, Samantha?"
Samantha nodded.
Ferra smiled even wider. "Your wish is my command."
The Dark Faerie pulled open her desk drawer
and fished around for something. Ferra found what she was looking for and removed
it, shutting the drawer afterwards. Ferra placed the object on the desk. It
was a small flute made of a very dark wood.
"This is the part where you go 'Oooooh' and
'Aaaaah,'" Ferra pointed out.
"Haha, very funny," Samantha sneered. "What's
that flute for?"
"Once a pet has regenerated after death, it
will listen to no command other than the sound of this flute," Ferra explained,
picking the flute up off the desk and placing the end in her mouth.
"Play it," Samantha commanded.
Ferra did not hesitate at all. She blew on the
end of the flute, lifting her fingers off the holes on the sides of the flute
and pressing them back down. The sound that came from the flute was so peaceful.
It was the most soothing melody Samantha had ever heard in her whole entire
life. She couldn't believe it was used to call in evil.
Ferra stopped playing, and placed the flute
in her desk drawer.
"The zombies will follow the sound of the flute,"
she said. "And they will stay in the place where the flute was last played for
all eternity."
"Thank you," Samantha couldn't help but smile.
"No, thank you," Ferra said, snickering evilly.
"Now, goodbye."
The Faerie disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.
Samantha realized she had made the biggest mistake
of her life. Ferra said the zombies would follow the sound of the flute and
stay there. In this case, that place was the very cave Samantha stood in.
Samantha's lips quivered in fear, and the rest
of her body was shaking very fast. The sound of air bubbles floating to the
surface of the dark water behind Samantha could be heard. Samantha yelped and
dashed across the cave floor, collapsing in Ferra's black chair.
Samantha could only watch as hundreds of pale,
soaking wet hands broke through the surface of the water and grabbed hold of
the cave floor…
The End