Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 111,440,439 Issue: 192 | 26th day of Hunting, Y7
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War of the Eepits!!

by jazz_invincible


Also by sunset_rose285


A war of epic proportions is upon Neopia. Rumoured to have been going on for many months in mostly uninhabited areas, the violence and confusion is at an all time high.

It is said that Sloth, Darigan and Kass have nothing to do with it. Other infamous Neopian criminals are denying all affiliation with the war, saying "Full Scale Neopian War takes a lot more effort and planning than these 'children's games'."

Further questioning of Neopian civilians gives us yet more SHOCKING information. Our pesky petpets are at it again.

-shouts of shock from gathering crowd- THE DREADED SLORGS ARE BACK?!

No, not the Slorgs. Thanks to the information from our previous Newsflash (See //www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=18436&issue=168), that petpet mayhem is controlled. But, this situation could be just as deadly. It's...


That's right, those cute, yet strangely freaky looking Meepits, and their cuddly F-Counterparts; the Feepits are at war. Although it appears their attacks are directed only at each other, the gruesome nature of the violence combined with the sheer number of petpets involved could mean havoc for all!

But why are these 2 petpets sworn enemies? Investigative journalists Jazz Invincible and Sunset Rose report:

Theory 1 - Meepit Domination

Sunset Rose: After some extensive research into the Meepits (amazing what you can find by playing TCG, and reading the cards!) I have found that the Meepits "have a plan". All we can say is that it involves a rather large collection of acorns. Rumours are flying around that the last key stash of acorns is being protected by a group of valiant Feepits somewhere in the Neopia Central area. Urban legend (That would really be the imaginations of Jazz and Sunset - Editor) states that these brave guardians are the only obstacle that stand in the way of total Meepit Domination.

Jazz Invincible: That's right Sunset, the Feepits have set up an elaborate communications network, and this is actually the reason they are called Feepits. "Feep" being the eerie sound these creatures produce when calling to each other over the snowy peaks in their native Terror Mountain.


Jazz: Here's one of the li'l Meepits now. Doesn't look too vicious to me. Heyyyy li'l fella... you're sooo cuuuute! It's pink! Aww! Are you looking for liddle widdle acorns?


AHHHH!! Holy borovan! Look at those teeth! *backs away*

Sunset: *shakes head* Idiot. The moral to that? Don't patronise anything that lurks within the Haunted Woods.


Ahem. It would appear we are encountering a few technical difficulties. Please watch this amazing ASCII art of an Attack Pea as we try to restore communications.


Simply amazing what you can do without actual images these days... Oh, and it appears that communication has been re-established. Back to you Jazz and Sunset!

    Theory 2 - Eepit? We wanna keep it!

Jazz: Thank you! After that thlight thtalling, I can announthe our nexth...

Sunset: *interrupts* I think you should wait for the swelling on your lip to go down before you "announthe" anything. I'll take this one.

It may be possible that the Meepits and Feepits are battling over something more simple. The suffix -eepit. The most basic trait both petpet species share is the last 5 letters in their name. Could this fighting be over that? It's certainly a possibility. The battle of "M" versus "F", the great battle of the gend... wait, sorry I mean prefix letters. It's like being a child all over again, but Petpet style this time!

The petpets have long been a source of confusion amongst Neopians, most likely because Meepit and Feepit sound so alike. "I thought you asked for a Feepit for your birthday, sorry!" When the dust settles, the emerging victor will claim sole possession of the -eepit suffix, while the loser must make do with a new name of the victor's choice. Neopia may soon have Losericas running about the place, or something equally humiliating! *awkward pause* Ok, so that name is pretty pathetic. I'd imagine the winner will come up with a better name, but it was the best I could come up with, what with this being a live broadcast and all.

Jazz: Thounds actheptable. Have you got any Juppie Juith to help thith thwelling?

Meepit: *glowers from bush* MEEP!

Jazz: Eep...

Sunset: Yeah, I wouldn't mention Juppie Juice...

Theory 3 - Juppie Juice (Oh, you have to love the link!)

Sunset: Meepits love Juppie Juice. They have their own game dedicated to guzzling the stuff down. When they're not trying to dominate Neopia, or gnash away at Feepits... you can be sure to catch them drinking juice. Quite simply, for every thirsty Feepit in the world, there's a chance they will want some of the delicious Juppie Juice. They're almost identical in size to the Meepits, and could quite easily use the complex network of pipes to get some juice of their own.

Meepits? Share their juice? Craziness.

Jazz: It's obviously the perfect reason to start fighting each other. (That lip sure healed quickly, and would that be sarcasm? - Editor)

Me? Use sarcasm? NEVER!

Theory 4 - Jazz's favourite

Jazz: They like fighting, they meet up, winner gets a prize. Maybe a pint of Juppie Juice, maybe a rock. Look, I don't really know. This is all guess work. I've just been attacked, no, MAULED by a creature that doesn't even reach my knees, I've been humiliated and I want to go home. My Neopian Hospital Health Insurance doesn't even cover Meepit related injuries.

Sunset: That doesn't make for very good journalism.

Jazz: Hey, it's a theory. Stop trying to pad out the article. It's all a rumour anyway, they most likely all get along just fine! *flash of pink runs out of bush and runs off* Hey, I wonder where that terror of a Meepit is headed...

Sunset: It's a wild animal, it's just going off to find some food. Acorns probably.

This was Sunset and Jazz, reporting live from Neopia Central. Good day.

FSSSHHHHH -End Newsflash-

Meanwhile... in a clump of trees not too far off...

A huge group of Meepits and Feepits alike are gathered, the sounds of Meeps and Feeps fill the air. This is a rough crowd. Silence falls as a Pink Meepit rushes through the bushes and jumps and Meeps for attention.

In the universal language of Petpets, the Meepit speaks:

The first rule of Meepit Vs. Feepit is: You do not talk about Meepit Vs. Feepit.

There are no more rules. Let the fighting COMMENCE!

Meepit Vs. Feepit - Controls

There are no set controls in this game. You can fully customise what you feel is comfortable for you. My preferred set-up is listed below:

  • Jump - Up Arrow

  • Crouch - Down Arrow

  • Move Left - Left Arrow

  • Move Right - Right Arrow

  • Punch - Z Key

  • Kick - X Key

  • Block - C Key

There are also Special Attacks that come in handy. Simply press Kick Punch Kick Punch, or Punch Kick Punch Kick to perform either a roll or a dive towards the enemy. These take a while to perform, since you have to let each punch and each kick register before moving to the next. You can move and jump about all you want though, so don't limit these attacks to the ground.

They're a great way of rapidly getting close to the enemy, and dealing some major damage. Master these moves, and you shall prevail. It often helps to back away whilst performing them, to reduce the risk of being knocked and dazed for a short time.

The premise is simple. You are the Feepit! (You are scared of Meepits, and with good reason! - I concur - Jazz) Defeat the Meepit before the Meepit defeats you. You do this by punching, kicking and blocking your way to victory!

The levels are pretty simple, the real challenge presenting itself only on the 5th and final level.

Level 1 - Basic Blue Meepit - This level is no challenge at all. The Meepit will rarely block your attacks, so just punch and kick your way to victory.

Level 2 - Dung Meepit - Another easy level. The only real difficulty here is having to hold your breath the entire time. Stinky!

Level 3 - Faerie Meepit - This opponent may have wings, but they don't serve as much of an advantage. Using crouching attacks and the odd, well timed special attack, and you'll soon have grounded this Meepit!

Level 4 - Tyrannian Meepit - Ugga Ugg UGGGGGG! As long as you vary your attacks with crouching, jumping and relentless attacking... this Meepit won't put you in too much of a hairy situation. Remember to back away whilst performing your special attacks to prevent being hit.

Level 5 - Fire Meepit - This is where it gets tough! This guy is on FIRE! It's a shame there's no juice handy to douse him immediately. This Meepit will block a lot, and will attack relentlessly when you try to back away. Keep your distance, and use your Special Moves to your advantage. Move back whilst he's down, before he has a chance to strike back.

Mastering the game

So you've become the Feepit Martial Arts Master, destroying the enemy without once losing a battle. You'll find that the game will finish and you'll have a nice score of around 3,000 points to send.

I'm afraid that's just not going to do if you want to truly master the game. To maximise your score, you have to let your enemy think they're gaining an advantage.

Lose to Win.

This isn't something you will hear often in a guide which is supposed to help you maximise your score, but there is logic behind this.

Every time you strike your opponent, you get points awarded to you. You have to win 3 rounds in order to proceed, and can lose 2 battles without losing the entire level. So how does losing help?

It maximises the amount of damage you can inflict, and therefore increase the score you will achieve.

What to do...

Round 1 - Destroy your opponent. Make sure to defeat him before time runs out to increase the number of hits you get in.

Round 2 - Just do as you did in Round 1.

Round 3 - This is where it gets tricky. You want to hit the Meepit as much as possible without completely knocking it down. When you leave the enemy with a tiny sliver of life, just let yourself be hit and beaten. Be VERY careful not to use a Special Attack when your opponent has low health, as they will also damage from the fall. This may defeat them, which you do not want to do.

Round 4 - Repeat Round 3. Let yourself be beaten after inflicting as much damage as possible to your opponent without beating him.

Round 5 - BE CAREFUL! You have lost 2 rounds (but gained points for your fighting). Losing now will end your game. Make sure you defeat your opponent before time runs out to maxmise the points earnt.

This will get you an extra 200 or so points each level you complete. The end result is a score of around 4,000+ upon completion.

Good Luck! - jazz_invincible (with help from sunset_rose285)

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