Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 90,556,131 Issue: 162 | 15th day of Collecting, Y6
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The Baby Paintbrush

by anja2006

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The Search for Petpet World: Part Five
"Which one out of all these Neggs is the odd one out?" she asked. "This is probably easy right?" The three of them all thought for a few minutes.

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Needed Beginnings: Allegra and Brenner
No, Cap's problem was not in finding the capacity to care for so many pets; his once-broken heart seemed to expand more and more easily with each new one. His problem was, rather, how to take care of them all.

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Neopian Capers!
Think your Neohome is safe?! Not even from your own pets...

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Petpets: The Kadoatie
In this guide I will be examining the Kadoatie. A petpet so cute you would wish you could go through your Monitor and give it a huge hug!

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