Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 90,556,131 Issue: 162 | 15th day of Collecting, Y6
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Being Evil Isnt Easy

by chibi_zoo

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A Neopian's Past-time Hobby: Collecting Avatars
An avatar is a lovely little piece made of pixels that look pleasant to the eye. If that’s all you think of when you hear the word, you’ve only touched the surface.

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Insane Dreams of a Wacky Chocolate Factory
With a smile full of glee on her face, Latiny quickly stuffed her journal in her backpack, and stared at her teacher who was now standing at the entrance of the Chocolate Factory.

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How To Come Up With Original Topics To Write About
he following will give you a few tips for thinking creatively and will hopefully aid you in coming up with new and interesting ideas of your own.

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Ice Cream
Here we will find out if Sloth is as evil as we think...

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