Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 90,556,131 Issue: 162 | 15th day of Collecting, Y6
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Something Has Happened

by tdyans

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The Kadoatery
Those kadoaties are never happy...

by mr_rubber_band


The Search for Petpet World: Part Five
"Which one out of all these Neggs is the odd one out?" she asked. "This is probably easy right?" The three of them all thought for a few minutes.

by darkfaerie700


Cheery Blossoms
Her beloved Lupe was to be sent off, to fight in the war that held an ever-present curse above Meridell. The war he was neutral in, for he was never one to fight. Why Talgo? The misgiving in her heart was too strong to be ignored.

by feather_in_a_pillow


Firejewel: Part One
Dayne shook the foreboding feeling she had just experienced in the Kyrii's vicinity, and moved along to the rack of necklaces that he had been inspecting. Almost immediately, one caught her eye.

by sara_mossflower

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