The Tower Journey: Part One by neonick19881988
Part One: Stocktaking for the immensely powerful
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The stock of the Hidden Tower is always changing, so by the
time you read this I doubt the items will be the same. So I asked Pucca_Xero
to put a list of the items in a little essay he's doing for school, so just
check out his Petpage, where I stick all notes and good work, to check which
items Toggerneo needed to collect.
I'll stop annoying you now. I hope you enjoy the tale!
1st day of Gathering, Year 6
"Three Baby Paint Brushes, two… sorry, what? Two Werelupe
Claws? Do you mean two of our Amulets, each with two claws, or just one? Two…
OK… not too helpful, but still… and… some Slorg Flakes. OK, I've got that down,
and you can tell them that their delivery will be with them as soon as possible.
That comes to… eighteen and a half million Neopoints. Thank you! Goodbye."
The faerie sighed as she dismissed the messenger
Draik, and wiped her brow.
"Excuse me, how much is this?"
"No rest for me, then… that's eight and a half…
excuse me, just one moment."
A tall, deep-red Gelert had just walked through
the door, almost bumping into two Kacheeks in a hurry to get out of the crowded
tower. The faerie started to walk across to this long-eared figure quickly,
and he smiled as he saw her.
"For a Hidden Tower, this place is very popular,
"I know! Where have you been! We need every
hand on deck RIGHT NOW! That pair over there are considering some Battle Dung.
I told them it wouldn't help their flower garden, but I don't have time to explain.
You do it."
"Sure thing, Fyora."
"You do realise I could fire you right now for
using my first name, don't you?" she asked with a scowl.
The Gelert laughed, and nodded.
"Yep. But you won't, will you?"
"Just get to work!" But the Queen was smiling
as she turned on her heel and walked towards a little old Lenny considering
some Asparachucks. The Gelert smiled as well, and walked to the squabbling pair.
"Maybe you can help us!" the Skeith exclaimed.
"What's your name?"
"I'm Toggerneo, your friendly Tower faerie.
Well, apart from not being a faerie. I'm quite friendly though. See?" He grinned
broadly, and the pair just stared at him. "And, uh, I here you want to buy some
Battle Dung," he continued, adopting a serious tone.
"Yes, but we're debating whether Starry would
be a better variety. You know, for the light, to keep the flowers growing all
night. Now, I-"
The scream made everyone in the cramped Tower
jump. It had come from the storeroom, and Toggerneo was the first to react.
He spun and ran quickly towards the open door, shot through, and found-
Fyora was staring around at a totally bare room.
Toggerneo reached her within seconds.
"What is it? What happened?"
"CAN'T YOU SEE?!" she yelled, startling Toggerneo
again. "We've run out! Of everything! Oh no, oh no oh no…"
Toggerneo inspected the large room. No windows,
not loose floorboards, so no foul play. They really had run out.
"But how is that possible? I thought…" He turned,
and found Fyora already walking out into the main shop.
"This shop is closed indefinitely! I'm sorry,
I really am, but you'll all have to leave…"
"You can't be serious!"
Toggerneo came out to a round of moans and grumbles.
He sighed and started pointing towards the exits.
"Please, leave quickly… I realise it's a long
way to come for nothing… not that exit, the stairs are out... too late… yes
I really am sorry…"
Within moments the last grumbling Nimmo had
left, and Fyora sat down on the desk, her head in her hands. The other work
faeries were looking at other with a mixture of shock and disbelief, while Toggerneo
leant against the door.
There was silence for a few seconds, and then
one of the faeries spoke up.
"So, Miss, what do we do?"
Fyora looked up and shook her head slowly.
"I don't know. Our usual suppliers are all missing,
although that is to be expected… getting claws from Werelupes isn't too easy…
but I should have kept an eye on supplies… it's all my fault."
"No, no, it's not!" Toggerneo straightened up
and smiled at her. "Well, it is, but don't worry! We'll just make more stock,
right? Use that plaster cast of Von Roo's teeth to make more fake ones, sew
some dolls, we'll be ready again in no time!"
He looked around, and on seeing nothing but
sad faces, frowned.
"Well, I might sorta kinda sold that cast by
"The dolls can only be made by the people they
represent, so we could only get the Faerie Queen Doll…"
"The paint brushes are very rare, hard to find…"
The Faerie Queen moaned.
"We're ruined!"
"No, no, I know!" Toggerneo exclaimed.
"You no?"
"No, I know!"
"Oh no…"
"Stop it!" shouted the Gelert. "Here's my idea.
We'll send someone to go get all these things. I mean, how hard can it be?"
"Apart from the danger of monsters, magic and
"Even with those dangers, monsters, magic and
madness, that sort of thing, how hard can it be?"
"Don't forget the dung!"
Toggerneo frowned.
"You aren't helping. Yes, even with the dung…
how hard can it be?" His voice, however, wasn't as full of confidence as it
had been. The Faeries were staring at him strangely. Fyora suddenly looked up,
"You're so kind and brave, Toggerneo! How can
I ever repay you?"
The Gelert was confused.
"What? Wait- I didn't mean me- I-"
"Ladies, get the Emergency Weapon Kit…"
Quicker than you can say "DUNGDUNGDUNG" Toggerneo
was dressed out like a true hero. Thick boots, thicker gauntlets, a heavy suit
of armour, a large blade across his hip-
"He looks like an idiot."
Fyora rolled her eyes and winked at Toggerneo.
"No you don't. Now, here's your list. I would
advise you to go to Jhudora first, seeing as she's in Faerieland already. Put
everything you get in this backpack." She waved a small cloth rucksack at him,
and he frowned.
"How am I meant to get everything in there?"
"It's a direct link to the Tower. A little too
small for your… portly size…"
"You're calling your knight in shining armour
"You're not in shining armour!" exclaimed one
of the faeries nearby. "Not like Jeran… oh, what a dream boat… can you get his
autograph for me?"
Toggerneo shook his head in exasperation and
turned his attention to the list. The first things were:
"Off you go then!" Fyora nudged the Gelert's
back pointedly, and he nodded, before walking out the door slowly, not looking
back. It would have been very dramatic, if the door didn't sing when he did
so. He left to a medley involving socks and how wonderful they are to all faeries.
The dark purple cloud was separated from all
the others slightly, and as lightning crackled from it Toggerneo gulped. Jhudora's
Cloud was definitely spooky, but he had a job to do. Apparently.
He took a couple of steps back, and then took
a running leap. His feet landed on firm… well, cloud, and the crimson Pet smiled
with relief before looking around.
The cloud he was on was huge, and very cold.
At the other end was a small throne, with its back to Toggerneo, and that was
where he headed. As he approached he saw a small crowd of pets, all stood around
the tall seat as high-pitched commands were barked out.
"YOU! Get me my truffles! Three minutes! And…
YOU! More truffles! YOU! Truffles! YOU! Truffles! TRUFFLES!"
A pattern was emerging here, one involving truffles,
to Toggerneo's sharp mind. He continued forward until he was mixed up amongst
the crowd. Finally he turned and saw-
The tiny faerie spun and glared at him. Strange,
Toggerneo thought, I thought Jhudora would be a bit… older...
"Yes? What do you want? From the looks of you,
I doubt you want to be a part of my quests. The stench of good magic is on that
"What… what happened?" Toggerneo asked, suppressing
a grin.
"Boochi! That's what happened! He came crawling
along, and I thought, for one small instant, 'Ahh, how cute,' and then HE ZAPPED
ME!" She scowled and looked down at the cloud beneath her throne. "I've got
him locked up at the moment, considering his punishment while I create the 'Truffle-rific'
cure. So?! What do you want?!"
"Ahh, umm, well, Fyora sent me, to ask-"
The baby faerie groaned and flicked her finger
at him. The cloud below him suddenly felt looser, more liquid-like, and before
he could even call out he fell down, for a few feet. He landed on much harder
cloud, and struggled quickly to his large paws, when suddenly everything went
a shade of dark purple. The cloud above had sealed over again. The Gelert was
almost blind in the darkness, and somehow hit his head on a wall. Three times.
The same wall as well.
He was rubbing his forehead when everything lit
up again and the tiny Jhudora floated down into the cell. Illuminated by the
light, Toggerneo managed to walk unsteadily over to her.
"What are you doing? Let me out of here!"
"What did Fyora want?"
"Straight to the point, ehh? I like that. See,
I like you! Let me out!"
"Tell me quickly or I turn you into a Lenny."
"OK, OK, listen. The Tower's run out of stock,
and we need you to give us some stuff. I've got this list…" He produced the
long piece of parchment, and the dark faerie snatched it quickly from his hands.
She looked down it with little interest, and then tossed it back.
"OK, fine."
"What?" Toggerneo asked.
"I said OK. I'll go get the stuff. Back in a
moment." With a flick of her hair, the faerie vanished in a puff of smoke. She
reappeared almost instantly, clutching a large bag that seemed to squirm. "I'm
assuming this goes in the bag, a straight link back to her, right?"
"Uhh… right! Right! Thanks!" he said, although
not convincingly. He didn't think rings or dolls squirmed. "But, uh, I have
to check it first-"
Jhudora grinned and pointed at his bag, which
slid from his shoulders quickly and spun to her hand. She opened the top and
her evil smirk widened as she tipped her own sack upside down.
In the Hidden Tower a ping came from the store
room, and Fyora looked up from the doll she was making.
"That was quick!"
She stood quickly and slid the door open, to
see a smiling Boochi. A smiling Boochi with his ray gun.
A faerie who was creating Faerie Fog nearby (you
don't want to know how it's made, really) gasped in horror and with one kick
knocked Boochi out the window and into the sky.
"Fyora, Queen, are you OK?"
"Do I look OK?!" squeaked the baby Fyora.
"Hey!" Toggerneo yelled, seeing Jhudora's grin.
"You can't do that!"
"I can do whatever I want, you silly Lupe!"
"I'm a GELERT!"
"Whatever. Goodbye." Suddenly everything went
dark, and Toggerneo tripped on something beneath his feet. As he fell forwards,
however, light lit everything up again…
Because a large hole had materialised beneath
his feet. The startled Gelert suddenly started to fall the ten thousand feet
to the ground, his bag fluttering down behind him…
To be continued...