Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 91,590,388 Issue: 174 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y7
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Short Stories

Riddle of the Blades

If you cannot answer the riddle asked,

When you face an opponent yet unmasked,

My help will not be mine to give,

So find the answer if you wish to live.

by jedimaster891

Glad to be Back

"HANNAH!" he cried, and began running. Hannah jumped into his arms, and the two gave a welcoming and warm embrace. "Long, long time since I've clapped me eyes on you!"

by cruzerchic123
Around the Heart of the Mountain

"There is one question still remaining," the Keeper continued gravely. "Who released the monster?" Silence. "Who loosed the Bringer of Night? If among the fallen, let the name be spoken. If among the living... step forward."

by schefflera
Smile of an Acara

She'd come all this way, she might as well get that new dress she'd wanted. Then she'd quickly get home before the rain fell, and all would be well as she tried on her new dress at home in front of her full-length pink mirror.

by 3dcourtney12044

"I love it out here. It's just too bad we couldn't make some sort of profit off of it. I'm not real into Neopoints, as you know, but a girl's gotta eat."

by charmedhorses
I'm No Krawk

Each day the water provoked Kyle. He was a green Eyrie, but he grew so sad, he became a blue one. He compared himself to the sea whenever he looked in the mirror. He even lost his liking to fly. He needed to do something and he wanted to waste no more time.

by triffin_
Weekend Fun

For some reason a Darigan Zafara brought an invitation to my doorstep and said she couldn't wait to see me this weekend!

by erileen

Upon the brink of Terror Mountain, at the dividing line between stone and snow, a civilization of thieves existed. Their flames burned with malice, and scared off the light of the moon... the only thing that illuminated the thieves was pure fire, nothing more...

by christinetran
One Scary Night

"Poor Albert! Evil Esophagor! He turned Mutant! I'm gonna turn Mutant like him!"

by kacheeklover3579
Zarrelian and the Crokabeks of Doom

"Ow! You'll be sorry, Webbleflub! Ouch! You too, Mordegan! Oooh, that one hurt!" Grumbling bitterly under his breath, Zarrelian stormed off, not really sure where he was heading and with no particular destination in mind.

by battlesunn
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Wake Up, Sleepy Head!

Turmaculus, aka Turmy. The second you say his name, you have people all over, either upset - or a selected few, joyful. Either way, he is quite well known around Neopia, though also very much despised. This fellow is the source of something very important in Neopia - a lovely avatar...

Other Stories


Wake Up, Sleepy Head!
Turmaculus, aka Turmy. The second you say his name, you have people all over, either upset - or a selected few, joyful. Either way, he is quite well known around Neopia, though also very much despised.

by agnoline


Observations of the Wild Snowickle
My purpose here is to research Snowickles in their native habitat ~ the deep recesses of the Ice Caves. As yet, few traveled in these parts, save Petpet dealers intent on selling the animals they catch.

by resurrectedwarrior


Lost Legacies: The Amulets - Part Seven
"I found something," his paw clutched at an invisible knob in the wall. "Should I pull?" he asked. Everyone nodded. Trev pulled the knob along with a door open.

by diamond_rox


Shades of Darkness: Shadow is Arising - Part Two
Today was a bright and sunny Tuesday and Yoco was asked to meet the leader of the Shades, Borono_Lightshadow or something. He didn't care; this meeting was probably over his paycheck or something. How very wrong he was...

by jesse12_3


Room for Two
We've got to get you help...

by child_dragon


Neopia Acres
Previously, on Neopia Acres...

by wyomingslim

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