White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 81,645,694 Issue: 153 | 16th day of Hiding, Y6
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Give my regards to Branston!"


How many of you Neopets out there have spent a sleepless night trying to figure out what your Petpet meant when it squealed at you or hissed at you right before you tucked it in?

Insomnia Got Ya?

Sleep is the one thing everyone needs. It relaxes and rejuvenates us... but according to some random poll, 45% of pets and their owners do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep!

Vegetable Tabulation!!

It's the infamous sport. The game that tests your true knowledge of numbers. No, not that boring Maths Nightmare game (it's such a snooze-fest!), I'm talking about Potato Counting here!

Other Stories

"I Like The Way You Groove!" by plushieowner
Get off my back, Ferny I am working as fast I can/ Least I don’t sleep on the job and have a low attention span.

"Digging for Dubloons" by mimed
Dantes the Dragoyle, as he was called, sped up beside her and snorted in agreement, causing a puff of smoke to escape his dragon-like nostrils...

"Five Neopian Crazies in King Skarl's Court" by fantasy_scifi
His cream-colored fur shined in the light of the midday sun, matching the polish of his golden wing protectors...

The Only Burger-Shaped Shop in Neopia!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Neopian Fresh Foods
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Great stories!


Potato Counting: Totally Tuberler or Just Plain Boring?
It's the infamous sport. The game that tests your true knowledge of numbers. No, not that boring Maths Nightmare game!

by fantasy_scifi


The Meerca Siblings
And it continues...

by comedian872001


Midnight Mystery

by blubblub317


Who Stole the Cookies?
Once upon a time in a Neohome, not too long ago, there were seven Neopets renting a place for the summer.

by singinsweetiedusty


Evil Usul & the Wishing Well
Evil Usul time!

by snowychristmas2017

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