Reporting live from Neopia |
Circulation: 106,486,787 |
Issue: 212 | 14th day of Collecting, Y7 |
As Much as a Bori Can Take by kudou
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Great stories!
Gallery Blues "Isn't there something we could do?" Kyra exchanged
her gaze to look at the speaker, her brother. "I mean, can't we sell some stuff,
or something?"
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Space Flight: Part Three Kade sighed. "Keep an eye on the blue Grundo, Jeran, and-"
She stopped when she turned around and saw he wasn't anywhere near her. "Now where
did he go?" she wondered out loud...
by plutoplus1 |
Walk or Swim Faeries, unlike Neopets, do not need to be created;
they just appear. Sierra was watching out for the faintest sound or sign and
pricked up her pointed ears, waiting expectantly...
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