Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 133,024,427 Issue: 274 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Earn Your Stripes

by yellowembers

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Poor petpets.

by lycan_is_weird


Just a Little Weird
I've always known I've had a thinking disorder!

by hibye5434


The Blue Blumaroo: Part Two
Melissa had agreed to join her two best friends on a shopping trip (the second in two days), not because she wanted to actually buy anything, but because she wanted to find a friend for her little brother Joey. It sounded completely bizarre, of course, but...

by rainbow2skittle


Carpenter and the Dark Sun
It had been six months since the day Shard and I had been banished from the gallion clan we used to belong to. Six months, and the scars still hadn't healed; maybe they never would...

by wicked_summer

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