Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,352,098 Issue: 534 | 24th day of Awakening, Y14
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Rye So Intense?

by leetmango

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A Look Back On Neopia's Most Famous Unis
Uni Day is upon us once again, Neopia! Your Uni has probably been reminding you since January 1st, because we all know that Unis love the attention and gifts showered upon them on their special day.

by sychologist


Please don't eat me!

by minerva198


Infinity: Part One
It was the citizens themselves that earned the city its name. Everyone in that city was a Glowing Buzz. They were the Fireflies, proud of their identity as Neopets that naturally adapted to their dark environment. With such deep-rooted pride, none them would ever think of being anything else.

by blueys45


Owner Optional #2: Tonu Day
In a large family, not everyone has something in common.

by shusu_chan

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