A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,767,701 Issue: 710 | 11th day of Celebrating, Y17
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NeoPaper: Bored, Bored, Bored!

by mbredboy31

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Tis The Season
Heather was a frustrated writer. She was shot down twelve times by the Neopian Times, each with saying they had to many good stories this week, or her story wasn't quite what they were looking for. She smiled bitterly down at three pages with messy scrawl. Why couldn't they just tell her the truth? She was an awful writer.

by indigo_sky_22


What Wintery Petpet Should You Get For Your Neopet?
There are plenty of fun things to do all month such as shopping or having snowball fights with your friends. This is also the perfect opportunity to go and buy your pets a wintery petpet, so that they have someone to have fun with during the holidays.

by milestrong


Daily Busters
It's time for school! Of course it'll be fun.

by tokyoghoulmaster


Duplicity: Part One
Jeran sat slumped over the throne. Before him, Meridellians and Darigans commemorated the fifth year of peace since the war, a peace that would last a thousand years. They spoke and danced under azure faerie light, alongside the finest music Meridell had to offer. Odors of baked goods, exotic fruits, and well-done meats saturated the air.

by likelife96

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