Meow Circulation: 132,843,682 Issue: 273 | 5th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Delightfully Frustrating - Hasee Bounce

There’s a time limit in Hasee Bounce. Once you run out of time, there is no second life. The game is over. How can you evade this tragically short time limit? Collect letters spelling H-A-S-E-E, that’s all.

by dimension_witch
A Penny Pincher's Guide to Living Fabulously!

My pets were almost always hungry and the only things they could play with were broken toys and blue Aisha plushies. But then I discovered ways that my pets could live fabulously, even with the lack of neopoints, and I want to share them with you.

by wooper123218
Slorg Care Made Easy

Slorgs have serious allergic reactions to salt. That's why it's important to keep salt away from their bodies, but it's also important to keep salt out of their inner bodies, too. NEVER salt a Slorg's food!

by hylakisweetheart
The Annual Conference of Evil

I'll be the first to admit it's not a well advertised event. Why would the Neopia's Greatest Villains want their conference interrupted by the arrival of heroes? And there's the little fact that the past few years all agents of the press have been barred. But not this year.

by eriskigal
Pop 'Em In Your Mouth!

Pop these Top 10 "pop 'em in your mouth candies" in your mouth!

by lurking_and_giving
Dancing With Slushies

A countdown of the most awesome (and moving) slushies in Neopia!

by kai_pawz
How to Acquire Trophies

Some helpful tips on how to get your very own Trophies.

by marlee90
Charity is Like a Rotting Shoe

The Money Tree is a fountain of wealth and charity... but wait, those bags of Neopoints aren’t growing out of the tree! What fraud is this? And why do most of the wonderful gifts consist of rotting footwear?

by nut862
Volcano Run II: The Return

Glubgar the Scorchio is back, he’s bolder and err, he’s at it again! What was a favourite game for many Neopians has been released again – reality style!

by dahlia_angela
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"A Bracelet, a Mask, and a Newbie" by tazmanianunicorn
That was it. He had me interested, and I had to get some answers right then and there. Then, I did what any mature and responsible person would do. I yelled over to him, taking care to be extra tactful and subtle: "HEY CRAZY MASK GUY, WHAT ARE YOU SELLING OVER THERE?"

Other Stories


White Sand
She ran back inside and slammed the door shut. She yelled to her mother in excitement and confusion, "Arlene! Come look! The world has been covered in really hot sand!"

by masked_acorn


A Bracelet, a Mask, and a Newbie
I did what any mature and responsible person would do. I yelled over to him, taking care to be extra tactful and subtle: "HEY CRAZY MASK GUY, WHAT ARE YOU SELLING OVER THERE?"

by tazmanianunicorn


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Disappearing Deaver - Part Four
Captain DeSoto had given us permission to enter any rooms on board The Crusader and ask anything we wanted to. This helped tremendously and also stated that he didn't think any of his crew had anything to hide. I had a feeling he was wrong...

by playmobil_is_my_life


Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Nine
The gatekeeper grumbled. "Well, you have to be as I'm not letting you in anymore. I deserve my sleep." The gap he opened between the gates was so narrow that they barely pushed themselves through, fighting with claustrophobia, and as soon as they were out, the gates closed again...

by ssjelitegirl


Don't Blame ME
Put me down!

by choclated


The Superior Race
Why is it Chias don't need to open their eyes?

by lunatic_kiss

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