Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 190,620,363 Issue: 580 | 1st day of Awakening, Y15
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What Are The Avatars You're Tired Of Trying For?

I'm still itching to acquire a handful of avatars that are difficult to earn, or else so random that I've almost given up on getting them!

by indulgences
Becoming a Neo Diva

A guide for the cosmetically-challenged.

by blondegreen
Finding Your Way Around the New Battledome

Your pet is your strongest weapon.

by sirgriffingtub
Top 12 Neopian Movies of 2012

So, you want to celebrate the new year, but don't know how? Why not go see a good movie?

by acewinow721
Top 10 Winter Avatars

These avatars are the coolest of cool... You can be too!

by gorubeza
Wonderful Winter Treats!

Some wonderful winter themed treats and drinks that are made especially for this frosty season!

by xxserenityx
Your Very Own Jhudora Plushie

Admit it - you've always wanted a plushie of Jhudora, haven't you?

by dragonsflame_uk
Reasons Why Kacheeks are Awesome: The Facts

Possibly the most important pet day is Kacheek Day. Kacheek is celebrated on January 29th every year.

Also by j_bop_24

by blue_eagle16

Neopet Training: Cheaper Than Ever Before!

If you have once before been interested in training but have shunned it due to the insane amount of funding it required, I highly encourage you to give it another thought.

by kspare2
Rules & Guidelines for Jhudora Day

Little did we know, we'd get stuck in a vortex if it wasn't for this nifty guide!

by tyuio_k50
10 Items to Impress Jhudora

She is seeking various items for her own personal goal. What that is, no one knows, but we do know this: Jhudora is a dark faerie who hates Illusen with a passion.

by trubiekatie
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"Zapping Consequences" by blondygirl1893
That isn't how the lab ray works. It took multiple tries. The first few zaps made Sunshine stronger on some days and weaker on others, faster and then slower, and so it went. The day before the zap that changed everything, Sunshine finally received a more interesting change, which the Techo did not notice until an illuminating trip to Illusen's Glade. "You've changed somehow," Illusen remarked that fine, Faerieland day...

Other Stories


Inside the Mind of A Deranged Meepit
I'm here to correct the notion that meepits are vile and scary creatures.

Because we're not.


Also by mookaa

by chat_adik


Fly Away Draik
"How pathetic, you can't even fly."

That was the last thing my owner ever said to me.

by w4lly


Viewpoint: Part Two
The sunlight shone through the window of the office she shared with the other editors, pooling on the floor like liquid gold. That is how Kira would have described it, Kayleen thought sadly.

by kristykimmy


Beyond the Pages: Part Two
Sharllette stopped moving and glared at him. "It was YOUR idea to write a story for the Neopian Times! Just because you're SO obsessed with being famous."

by peronalodis


I'd like to thank my sister for checking over this and helping me.

by popcorn_snuffler


Oh Space Faerie! #4
Something has happened!

Also by runeis

by saiyukii

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