Invisible Paint Brushes rock |
Circulation: 196,589,849 |
Issue: 928 | 19th day of Awakening, Y23 |
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Headlines "The Little Voice" by fallingdaybreak Snow swirled all around Aurora as she trekked through the icy forest, clutching her cape close to her body. It was a feeble attempt to stay warm, but she didn't have any other options. The sheer cold bit Aurora as it continuously hit her grey pelt, sending chills and shivers through her entire body.
It was the third village she had come into in the hopes of letting her stay amidst the blizzard. She didn't want any trouble, it was just for one day. But just like the village before and the village before that one, the locals recognized her. It didn't take long for a riot to form and for said riot to chase her out, throwing rocks and sticks at Aurora all while crying out the infamous name - Peludonio.
Peludonio. The Shadow Demon, as it was more commonly known. It was a name Aurora had since grown accustomed to being called. That's what she had always been known as. No one bothered to ask about her real name, no one wanted to know more about who she was as an individual.
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