Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 197,890,907 Issue: 1017 | 20th day of Gathering, Y26
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Continued Series

Not the Best Family Reunion

"Sometime later...Fyora’s attempt at reducing Neopia’s pollution levels turned out less than stellar. The people criticized it left and right, picking apart every detail..."

by kayixu

"Aloysia only looked up from her book to roll her eyes at Roxton. 'If I didn’t know before, the last ten times you told me would’ve been informative enough. Now leave me alone'"...

by quanticdreams
The Kronborg Chronicles: A Sister’s Mission

"A Grey Draik wearing a grey version of the uniform of Meridell’s Draik Guards landed next to the door of the royal carriage, opened it, and let down the step. Both Jeran and Tor..."

by joyfulcabbage
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"Spooky Foods For All" by ningkov1
Howls in the night and creatures of fright – the Haunted Woods, a home to many, and a nightmare to plenty. For the Spooky Food's shopkeeper, the Haunted Woods was a haven of delicacies and scares. The vampire Bruce woke up every day with a smile, but this past week was different. Sales had been too low recently, so he felt more stressed and forlorn with each passing day. There were plenty of tourists coming to the Deserted Fairgrounds, but they often shrieked at the sight of his food. Haunted Woods citizens never shrieked, but the locals didn't stop by as often as they used to. A recent incident had also left him feeling down. Just a few days ago, a tourist bought an Almost Gummy Rat and ate it in front of his friends, solely because he had lost a bet! He pinched his nose as he downed the sweet gummy quickly in just a few bites. He didn't even try to savour the juicy grape flavour! The group gagged and screamed as the delicacy was eaten, sending daggers into the scary...

Other Stories


The Setting Sun
The heat of the afternoon had given way to a simmering eventide, the stagnant air a miasma of compressed sweat, the lingering odour of abandoned food and drink, and the ethereal emptiness created by the recent vacancy of what was once a massive crowd.

by skatabo


Spooky Foods For All
Howls in the night and creatures of fright – the Haunted Woods, a home to many, and a nightmare to plenty.

by ningkov1


Do You Have What it Takes to Run the Hidden Tower?
What are you doing lurking by the Hidden Tower gates?...Collab with neoaggie99999

by 9kas


Casual Clicking for Fun and Profit
There are many reasons why you might be trying to kill time on Neopets. Perhaps you’re waiting for a shop to restock, or for new Kadoaties to beg for expensive foods, or for your Neofriend to answer a message.

by ellienib


Funthing Has Happened!!
Why are you all leaving!!!!???

by white_tiger0226


Language Trick
Rejection! What will this Petpet do now?

by anarkau

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