White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 176,435,075 Issue: 336 | 28th day of Running, Y10
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Continued Series

Ghostfighters: Part Nine

"It was made by a sorceress who wants to kill Kiyoshi!" Tyra said furiously, biting back angry tears. "That's reason enough to leave it alone!"

by tamia_silverwing
Strange Cases: Behemoth - Part Seven

"Well," Steele began carefully, "a week ago, a worker at the potions factory was the unfortunate victim of..."

by tambourine_chimp
Brain of Neopia: Part Six

It was the next morning. Roan was seated in the lobby. The semi-finals were about to begin. How he had got there was a slight mystery...

by spoonguardonline
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Missing Miamouse - Part Six

"A neomail for you, sir," said the faerie Kacheek behind the front desk. It was already slit open. I peered at him suspiciously as he handed me the envelope...

by playmobil_is_my_life
Superhero Sister: Part Five

"Impossible is nothing!" he snapped. "That's what the Defenders told me..."

by sunsetneversetting
Chronicles of the Shadow Princess I - Truth and Lies: Part Three

Dawn entered her father's room. The door closed silently behind her and she looked across the room at King Frederic...

by nagara_and_samarae
Secret of Silver Crest: Part Three

"We are leaving right now." He turned on his heel and strode away from the cave's mouth, secretly relieved to have an excuse to not go in...

by laurvail
The Witches Ride Again: Part Two

"I wear a shawl, don't I?" Morguss replied abrasively. "That not good enough for you? Doesn't have to be a black hat to be a proper witch's hat, does it? Know a lot about the occult significance of headwear, do you?"

by herdygerdy
A Better Life: Part Two

"You know we'll be there," she said, marvelling at how much more confident she had become since coming to this school. "He won't get away with anything..."

by oearmuffso
Wicked in the Woods: Part Three

As the Werelupe guard lumbered over to where Garith and Wrey lay hidden in the bushes, a feeling of dread washed over them...

by scarletspindle
Backfire!: Part Two

The jacket nearly dropped, but he grabbed it up just in time, cursing his sister under his breath. The necklace slipped out of the pocket and onto the floor...

by raizindaroof
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"Don't Worry, The Gravity Works Just Fine" by pinata_novia
In this 'land of petpets' there happens to be a hole. A very dark hole. Piñata was extremely excited when she saw it; it was just big enough for Spike to fit down. Spike cowered in fear as he slowly inched forward to peek down into the hole. For a second, it didn't look like he was going to go in, but then Piñata 'accidentally' bumped into him, and he went squealing down the hole...

Other Stories


Eating Fool's Day Game Night
"I've been thinking about your request for a game night, Pete. It's an excellent idea..."

by shamboo5


Boarding with Legends
The great booming of a waterfall crashed its way above the sound of rushing wind. Burn crouched down in anticipation for the jump, his eyes squinting with concentration...

by dragon_spirit890


Beyond Neoschool: Spending Free Time
Their darling Neopets are busy listening to lectures and taking notes, and for the first time ever, the adults have to find ways to entertain themselves...

by reggieman721


Neoschool: Where to Send Your Pet
Nothing is particularly special about Neopia Central Neoschool (NCN). If you want your pet to have a well-rounded education covering the essentials, then I recommend Neopia Central for you...

by akari24


The Class of '08 Part Two
8 characters. 1 winner...

by _dead_meat_x_


TheOneThatGoesWoof gets a job
...but for how long?

by pippylouise

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