Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 176,434,926 Issue: 338 | 11th day of Eating, Y10
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Continued Series

Brain of Neopia: Part Eight

This seemed to have stumped the champion. He frowned as he concentrated, deep in thought. He seemed to be adding numbers up in his head. "Fifty?" he eventually asked...

by spoonguardonline
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Missing Miamouse - Part Eight

I didn't waste any time bounding to the front door and knocking. "Hi, Rowan," I began, when a faerie Shoyru flung open the door. "I just wanted to know--"

by playmobil_is_my_life
Chronicles of the Shadow Princess I - Truth and Lies: Part Five

"I've just been thinking, Karalee. There has been so much going on lately. Father being so unrelentingly ill. And finding out that my Mother-"

by nagara_and_samarae
Secret of Silver Crest: Part Five

Since the medallion was supposedly the symbol of the deal, all Tiran had to do was break it at the place of the summoning in order to revoke the deal. He hoped so, anyway. If not, they were in for a world of trouble...

by laurvail
The Witches Ride Again: Part Four

"Not the Shop Wizard," Edna groaned. "You know I can't stand wizards. They're all crazy hair and stupid high pitched accents..."

by herdygerdy
Fine Line: Part Two

The camouflage Kougra took off his royal purple cloak and rolled it up in a ball as he approached Hajiro, the tent city, haven of thieves...

by reggieman721
Backfire!: Part Four

"How much longer until--?" gasped Redsy. He didn't have to finish...

by raizindaroof
The Warden's Tale: Part Two

Master Vex shook his head as he listened to the speech. Kass was yelling to the crowd, promising them days of glory and plenty, where they would live without fear. There was nothing wrong with that, but somehow, it disturbed him...

by torkie10
Petpet Adventures: Reunited - Part Three

Folfeux glared at Malei, seething with frustration and anger. Somehow she knew he was telling the truth when he said he had no idea where their parents were...

by rachelindea
Money: Part Three

I have been living in a perfect dream, and the amazing part is that it's actually reality! My reality. But then sadness tinges my dream. Khelyer's reality. It's my sister who really lives like this, not me...

by icegirl_sara
The Road to Pyramid Parade: Part Three

They were in the Haunted Woods. Trees had begun to line their now-dirt path, and the chill was intense. "H... how can this place border a desert?"

by kirsche474
Lost Memories: Part Two

"I won't be here next time you come to see me. Why don't you understand that I don't want anything to do with you, or your herd?"

by zafaracutie4
The Zap that Changed it All: Part Two

"No! The experiment has caused a short in my lab ray!" shouted the Scorchio. He was franticly trying to put out a small fire that had sparked from one of the wires...

by adoption_rescues
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A Happy Neobuddy

Now I look back and ask myself, how many times have I, selfishly, asked for McGee's help? And how many times was he not there when I needed him? The answer to the first question is "many," and to the second is "none." I feel ashamed of exploiting my poor red eyed friend; how cruel I am. But don't worry; if you do the same, it is never too late to correct this awful habit. Try to do things by yourself more. I know that now that you have your buddy, it becomes natural for you to ask him...

Other Stories


"But Sam is really mean, and so protective! If I go with him, he'll call me an imbecile again, and then he won't let me do ANYTHING..."

by bibliomaniac


Nameless Hope
Smoke rose from the chimney of the Soup Kitchen. The faerie stared at it...

by jael_catherine


How to Write a Short Story
Short stories are the perfect length to write when you are sitting at home for a day, bored.

by akari24


Bilge Dice: What To Keep
You don't have to win every game to make money; all you have to do is win more than 1 in 4 games.

by jasonesquire


Fountain Fumbles 1
I'll be all better soon...

by sapphireflames


Neovian Noise
300 NC down the drain...

by miz__hunter

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